A Game to Teach Alignment with the Infinite Divine
Speed-chess combined with a lack of a goal. Both players maneuver around the board as fast as possible with the goal of taking as few pieces as possible. The goal is to keep the game going as long as possible. There will be upper limits to the amount of time allowed between each move based upon the amount of pieces each player has left on the board. If a player has more pieces, then they are allowed more time (that they do not have to take). A number of moves reached by a single piece, (based upon that piece. weaker pieces have a lower number of moves necessary/ stronger have more), without taking another piece allows the player to put either any piece lower in rank on the board, the same piece, or a piece directly higher in rank. If there are no pieces that have been taken that are appropriate, then none are placed back on the board.
The player that makes the first move is called the "The Alpha".
If either of the players has only three pieces left or only the king remains, or is put in checkmate, then the game reaches the Omega stage and ends.
Reason: The intent is to instill the a sense of natural oneness with the Infinite Divine by practice "gaming". As the player makes slower moves, they begin to understand why the Infinite Divine guides us through certain actions. As the player progresses, the sense of onenness continues to develop and allows for quicker and more decisive actions; and thereby more Faith in God without the necessity of putting them in harmful or stressful situations.
Additionally, players CAN and SHOULD actually discuss what should be done between one another. With there being no winner or loser in the game, with the intent on learning and understanding, by making discussion a key point in the game, a player not only begins to understand and build Faith in God, but understand and build Faith in their fellow player. Of course, this can also lead to conflict. If, for some reason, God decides to tell players to do different things, or the Ego is successful in inspiring players to distrust each other and/or decide for themselves what to do without wisdom; then players will have to learn to resolve that conflict so that they can continue playing the game successfully.
Players should often play against as many different players as possible. "Infinity Loops" (instead of tournaments), should be about building understanding with as many different people as possible, not regarding each other as superior or inferior. This aspect is reinstilled by the "reincarnation" mechanic. There will likely be many new players that will take what is commonly viewed as the most powerful piece (Such as the Queen)
Additionally, it helps instill a sense of reality and causility that is sorely lacking from everyone, including me now. I have my Free Will again. Basically, as one plays the game and discusses any number of things, they gain a sense of what led up to the events that transpired through the games. Why did they make that move? Why did God want them to make a certain move? What led up to this point and why?
There is one more aspect of the game: When to stop.
Potentially, the game could go on forever(?), so players would have to understand when enough is enough; when they have learned enough about themselves, the other player, and God for that game. You basically can't stay on the hamster wheel forever. It's a game, but it'll be a tool for learning as well! When that is the case… the game just ends! Players part ways, (hopefully better off than when they were before!), do other things with a better understanding of themsleves, others, and the world. Since there is no real competition, there should be no desire to complete a game, right?
The best thing about this game is that it would be able to be played in almost any atmosphere, I imagine. You would be able to adjust the amount of time taken between moves based upon the sort of setting that you have. Watching a romantic comedy with the wifey? Allow the moves to go slower. Drink wine. Smoke weed. Discuss the movie, what's been going on, and the game.
And then know when enough is enough and bone the living fuck out of her.
God Wins.