A strange game. The only winning move is not to play. How about a nice game of chess?
"I volunteered. I had no idea what they were capable of. There was no way I could have known."
This nigger shill has shit up 34 posts thus far. Watch his tactics.
You are trying to run Psyop brownie cookie selling shit on operator HOO-AHHH level people.
Go back to your shill school. You aren't in our league.
"WE THE PEOPLE are the failsafe.
I don't think it will even come to that.
100% control."
Do y'all see this shill nigger faggot?
We never reply directly. Just call them out to teach.
This is our enemy.
We are loyal to the republic. We will fight all enemies foreign and domestic. We will preserve the constitution. We will eliminate the corruption in our home.
Before next bread: YOU ARE SO BAD AT YOUR JOBS.
Next bread I take you to task.
We're logging tactics every night. What happens if green team start participating? Have you thought about it?
Subtle-shill. Watch the tactics autists.
This is how their evolving. They are nowhere near our level.
"It is stated as an absolute THUS bringing the actual awakening closer to the minds of all.
Spelling.. spells. "
Watch the things talking to themselves anons.
They are not on our level. One-liner convos are always a giveaway. So they add page breaks to make it seem "real". Watch them and learn.
"What are u on about? "
This is a typical shill auto response anons. Learn their tactics. The are girl scouts in operators territory. They are not trained. We are the vanguard.
He is right now. Watch the one-liners. He has multiple (computational) threads on the same bread. Talks to himself. Watch close.