It's not so simple.
There is a succession from the philosophy of Social Darwinism through Scientific Monism to Nihilism which found political expression as Communism. Then when people reacted against Communism, they kept the Nihilistic core of it and developed Fascism, Nazism and in North America, Technocracy. It was Technocracy that Zbigniew Brzezinski refashioned into the plans of the Trilateral Commission to create an NWO or Nihilist World Order
In all of these philisophies people are seeking TRUTH, the ONE RIGHT WAY, and embracing forms of POLITICAL CORRECTNESS to force everyone else to fall in line with the elite who have got it all figured out.
Conservatives, however, tend to like to keep the old traditional ways, to not fix stuff that ain't broke, and to pretty much, live and let live.
Unfortunately that made them easy prey for the Monarchists (Mono Archon or ONE RULER) who are basically Nihilists even before there was a name for it.
However, when Conservatives WAKE UP, then they can band together to keep the monarchists at bay whether they call themselves socialists or whatever new names they come up with.
Conservatives can fix problems in society, but they do not want to throw the whole baby out with the bathwater and trust some wild-eyed academic who has THE BEST SOLUTION if we would only do what he tells us to.
Some of the Nihilists are into occult shenanigans involving mind games and orgiastic rituals. They believe that they can create a Noetic World Order where the ELITE use the stars (of stage and screen) to keep us in order. They tell the stars what to do, the stars keep us entertained with singing and dancing and convincing us that we really want to be bisexual babies pissing on each other (or whatever) and then God, hearing our desires, makes us all into bisexual pissing babies.
Some of us prefer to think for ourselves and as a result we do NOT look up to the stars and no longer send our money to the Hollywood pedos for music, film and TV entertainment.