The Secret Truth of "Stranger Things" (Netflix Series)
The Duffer Brothers,
creators of Stranger Things,
originally had a different
title for the show.
Originally the show was to be
called "Montauk" and quite possibly
would have been set in
Montauk, NY instead of Indiana.
Why is this important?
Well it could possibly explain what
the hell is going on with the show.
You see a vast conspiracy surrounds
a government facility in Montauk
called Camp Hero.
What supposedly happened there is
quite similar to what happens in
the show.
So lets go through the list of similarities.
The Facility- Hawkins Institute
/Camp Hero. (img)
In the show we are introduced
to the Hawkins Institute.
A mysterious place that the denizens
of Hawkins, Indiana have no real clue
on what goes on there.
In the real world, there was a
place in Montauk,NY that was
called Camp Hero.
Many conspiracies surround this facility.
The main theory, is that our own
government was abducting runaway
kids and experimenting on them.
Other theories are that they were
working with alien technology and actually harbored aliens to allow
them to do experiments.
The Abducted Children -
The Eleven/ The Montauk Boys
In the conspiracy theory about
the Montauk Project it is said
that between 1,000 and 10,000 teens
were abducted for research into
time travel, remote viewing and
many other weird experiments.
In the (attatched)trailer for the movie,
"The Montauk Chronicles" you
meet some of these people
who claimed they were one of
The Montauk Boys.
They make grand claims on what they
did at Camp Hero but the creepy
thing is they almost seem believable.
Whether it is true, it is up to you
to decide but its obviously inspired
the Duffer brothers to create
"Stranger Things".
'''The Experiments -
El's Remote Viewing/ The Chair'''
In Stranger Things we see Eleven
dunked in an isolation tank in order
to try and spy on the Soviets.
The crazy thing about this is the
United States was very interested
in studying this phenomenon.
In 1978, the United States invested in
a secret project called Stargate.
Its main purpose was to try and
figure out if remote viewing was
a possibility. The program lasted until 1995.
The Stargate Project was the code
name for a secret U.S. Army unit
established in 1978 at
Fort Meade, Maryland,
by the Defense Intelligence Agency
(DIA) and SRI International
(a California contractor)
to investigate the potential for
psychic phenomena in military
and domestic intelligence applications.
The Project, and its precursors
and sister projects,
went by various code names â
until 1991 when they were
consolidated and rechristened
as "Stargate Project".
Regarding the theory of the
Montauk Project,
it was believed that a chair was used connected to a giant radar dish.
It was believed to help amplify
the powers of the psychic mind in
order to pretty much view anything
you wanted around the world.
The large radar dish is still at Camp Hero.