Neat, too bad it didnt fold out into the cross too
Ohhh but they were quick to label it as such.
I see em.
Ive been patiently waiting, like a lot of us have, for these kind of reveals.
The quote "conspiracy no more" gets me jumping around.
I want it so bad.
Coupled with "The choice to know will be yours", tells me right there, if you dig, you will find it.
Just kinda want a little confirmation from the big boss.
Might be half and half.
Sometimes the truth is right in front of us, man.
The cabal doesnt seem smart enough to make 90% of this shit up, so they have to be getting the source material from somewhere.
Yeah hes a fucking snake, seriously
The beginning of my journey led me to info of shoppers being influenced through the music playing in stores, and how they could tap into that and mess with the frequencies.
They are some crafty little fuckers, thats for sure.
It makes me kek when I think of how we ran one of the planet's controllers off of Twitter.
A story for the ages, that one.
I remember it happening but I dont believe we ever got to the bottom of it.
Could be wrong though.
Is there a way to request to have the blue check taken off of your account per your request?
I used to wonder where they came up for the names of this stuff until I started down those rabbit holes.
Makes too much sense to me too.
Kinda glad you mentioned this, though off topic of your book, and maybe Im alone here but I have never wanted to listen to the radio, SiriusXM included.
Couldnt care less at what they want me to hear and I always had tons of other shit that I would replace it with that wasnt being played.
Going on over 20 years of not being a slave to shitty forced music and proud as fuck.
Been thinking outside the box with this, and what if Sandy Hook was real, but the families were then taken and cloned or assimilated or something beyond just fakery?
Just a thought.
Oh look, another ground level thinker attacking freedom of thought.
Care to join us for the next phase or sit in the corner and shiver like a bitch?