gettin' reaallly morbid, here E…wtf?
>lynn's crotch cabbage
OK, e, ima hafta ask you stop saying "Lynn's crotch cabbage."
It's just gross, OK?
Do not say "Lynn's crotch cabbage." any more, OK? OK.
>Bill Richardson's dad was president of Citi. He's the one who went to NK with ES.
That's just a coincidence, anon…nothing to see here.
>Imagine if ebot had his own personal airforce.
He'd sell it off for hookers and blow then shitpost for dayyyyssss on 8. kek
i saw that today…cheap fuck.
i've worked with companies that have done business with Trump…we always got paid. kek
yes, go for the nigger vote.
gotta step it up, e…can't reply to your own shit indefintely. kek
i'm still tryna figger out why no one questions ur email address. kek