Again a "blue print" to attack the rest of us. AJ loses the case on purpose, setting a judicial precedent.
Debunking post war propaganda doesn't dismiss the fact that Hitlerfag was
A socialist (Marxist)
Had thousands of slave labour camps
Killed millions of christians by sending them to the eastfront (stalin did the same on the other side)
>socialism isn't Marxism
Dream on. You know that by invading/controlling other countries he became an international socialist, right? Exactly what we fight now
Here a test. Liberals Applaud Speech Written With Hitler Quotes
Lurk moar. You are the wrong board. We fight the nazi ideology faggots who subverted the USA since operation paperclip
Projecting much?
The deep state wants nazifags to flourish, they invested huge amunts of resources to infiltrate those groups so they can control both sides when the shit hits the fan.
We have 40k feet view tho, and don't play the deep state pre determined narratives.
We know that Posobiec, mocrofag, Defango and others were originally assigned to subvert the "alt-right"
Deep State re-asigned them to be anti Q when they figured out alt-right was all a chan JOKE
Proof that Pepe never was NAZI or alt-right @15:45 (read the chan messages and timestamps)
It was a JOKE to get Pepe back from the normies. Leftist (and MSM) believed it because it fitted their pre-brainwashed narrative.