any Instagram anons?
you know what to do
any Instagram anons?
you know what to do
>If Flynn didn't, (((Jack))) would realize his cover/plan is blown.
if JP is really MOS
then he is fully aware that Flynn is read on to / involved with Q / the plan
>Weiner is up for release already
will probably high-tail it to Israel
one of "these people" who will be "unable to walk down the street"
>Flynn may not be a patriot
or Posobiec may not be fake MAGA
actor acting?
he was Navy Reserve intel officer
>Deal with the fucking fact that Flynn is with Posobiec / Fake MAGA and Mossad Associates
yes and it is very puzzling
but logic dictates that one must exhaust all other options before
arriving at Flynn = black hat
>So Flynn is dirty
>Ask when was the last FBI director fired.
jul 20 1993 - William S. Sessions
>Ask whose body was found the next day
Vince Foster
>Explain in a rational way why Flynn is with people pointed out by Q as being Mossad backed
same reason Hannity was
>It is Seans job to conduct interviews
you don't think Sean sometime has dinner with his interviewees?
ask youself what Flynns job (now) is
>How does this equate to Flynn having dinner with Fake MAGA and Mossad associates?
see: above