Which means DJT is also involved. Wonder who was point this out months ago.
What makes a great movie?
Which means DJT is also involved. Wonder who was point this out months ago.
What makes a great movie?
>Can you remember any time in our history when the top dogs in the C_A, F_I and D_J have all been fired within the same year?
Can you remember any time in our history when the top dogs in the C_A, F_I and D_J have all been fired within the same year?
Ask when was the last FBI director fired. Ask whose body was found the next day.
You get a Kek
Ask how often do former United Nations presidents die from letting a barbell fall on their throat just before they are going to talk to investigators regarding Clinton connected crimes.
John Ashe ph. d in bioengineering from Penn also served on the Executive Boards of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)/United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF).
Maybe it wasn't financial shit that certain powers feared would be revealed.