oh the cognitive dissonance…
but my textbook said….
but I saw it on TV
Jeff Bezos is pure evil
Amazon is pure evil
In the days ahead they will try to blend in and cry out against their monopoly being regulated. They will wave the american flag and call anyone who suggests otherwise nazis.
One need only ask their employees or contractors what it is like working for them, to get a glimpse at what will happen to the world if they are allowed to continue.
(Queue the monty python rabbit scene)
Revelation = fake news
Do not let the prior vatican councils decide for you. Like this board, the bible is/was a war zone. Read the whole thing, study history of events, but do not simply 'trust' that everything in there hasn't been tampered with. Especially the ending. Can you compare the writings of two different anons and tell it's not the same person??? Compare the book of John with the writings of John of Patmos in revelation. Compare the dates of when John walked the earth and then study the dates times and events surrounding PATMOS. Look at the geographical location of patmos.
Biblical study is no joke. Takes a lot of time and effort. Thats why God gave you discernment.
Not that simple, anon. If you made it here, you should know better.
baby/bathwater and what not.