Small thought to consider about.
It is said that humans have huge co-creating power to create their own reality. We can affect reality by our thoughts. You can examine it yourself, right when you wake up, start cursing. Yell to the world, be angry. I guarantee your whole day goes to hell. And vice versa.
Now it is also said that the cabal knows our power, and uses it against us, in example, by ordering MSM to tell us that horrible things will happen. We think those things, and we make them happen. "Big economic crises happening!!!" yells the tabloids. That affects our mind and we start to live like big crises are here, thus making them come to reality.
So what Q does? "We have already won". "They will fall". All posts of Sun Zhu etc. He has from the beginning told us that the cabal will be taken down. All of them sick bastards. He has changed our mindset from negative to positive. We will win.
We, the fucking people, will win.
WE WILL WIN! Yell it loud and clear fellow patriots, yell so loud that all the cabal in their underground bases will hear our roar, and let it be the sound of their fall!!!!!