DNC Election Meddling Blamed On Russia And WikiLeaks In Lawsuit
A new filing in the Democratic National Committee v. Russian Federation, WikiLeaks, et al. was released Thursday. As per the hearing yesterday, parties are asked to file a proposed scheduling order by September 28, 2018, and the plaintiff (DNC) is expected to file an Amended Complaint by October 12, 2018.
Part of the reason that WikiLeaks may be being blamed for the lost election is due to the fact that WikiLeaks documents actually showed that it was the DNC that was meddling with the democratic process.
Leaked emails published by WikiLeaks revealed DNC colluded with the Clinton campaign to hurt Bernie Sanders' chance in the election. Surely we all remember how DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz didn't allow the Sanders campaign access to voter database information. When this was revealed she jumped ship and finally worked officially for the Clinton campaign after having worked for her unofficially.