Anonymous ID: 520453 Sept. 14, 2018, 10:21 a.m. No.3022082   🗄️.is 🔗kun





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Anonymous ID: 520453 Sept. 14, 2018, 10:24 a.m. No.3022111   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Experts: Demanding Congress Authorize Wars Would Lead to Fewer Wars


The following post is sponsored by The Committee for Responsible Foreign Policy (CRFP).


Congress must seize war-making authority back from the executive branch to reduce U.S. involvement in misguided wars around the world, two experts argued on Tuesday at an event hosted by the bipartisan Committee for a Responsible Foreign Policy.


Although Congress has the constitutional authority to authorize war, it has now become the norm to cede war-making authorities to the executive branch with often dire consequences, argued Robert Naiman, policy director of Just Foreign Policy.


“I think we have an opportunity now for culture change and a need for a culture change [to] a world in which unconstitutional wars are back to being unconstitutionally illegal,” Naiman said at the event. Today, he said, “the violation is seen as jaywalking.”


Naiman said if there were “zero tolerance” for unconstitutional wars, “I do believe we will have less war and less of the worst wars.”


One example Naiman cited was the ongoing war in Yemen, which began in 2015 when Shiite Houthi rebels overran Sana’a, the capital of Yemen. The legitimate government, led by President Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi, fled south to Aden. A Saudi-led military coalition then intervened on behalf of Hadi, while Iran has reportedly supplied the Houthis with weapons.


NOTE: This is a prime example of problem reaction solution!

Anonymous ID: 520453 Sept. 14, 2018, 10:25 a.m. No.3022122   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2131 >>2425 >>2675 >>2712 >>2801 >>2849

Manafort Indictment Also Implicates Tony Podesta, The Clinton-Connected Superlobbyist


Clinton-connected lobbyist Tony Podesta knew he was working with Paul Manafort on behalf of a Ukrainian politician, according to an indictment released Friday by the special counsel’s office.

Podesta, Manafort and Mercury Public Affairs all failed to register as foreign agents of Ukraine for the work.

Manafort entered a plea agreement with the special counsel Friday.


Two lobbying firms, including one owned by Democratic superlobbyist Tony Podesta, knowingly worked with Paul Manafort at the direction of the Ukrainian government, according to an indictment released Friday by the special counsel’s office.


The indictment, which was released ahead of an expected plea deal for Manafort, the former chairman of President Donald Trump’s presidential campaign, says that as a part of his “lobbying scheme,” Manafort solicited two lobbying firms in February 2012 to lobby on behalf of then-Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych.


“Various employees of Companies A and B understood that they were receiving direction from MANAFORT and President Yanukovych, not the Centre, which was not even operational when Companies A and B began lobbying for Ukraine,” reads the indictment. The Centre is a reference to the European Centre for a Modern Ukraine, a Brussels-based non-profit that the government says was used to support Yanukovych.


Company A has been identified as Mercury Public Affairs, a lobbying shop operated by former Minnesota Republican Rep. Vin Weber. Company B has been identified as Podesta Group, the firm that Tony Podesta founded with his brother, John, the chairman of Hillary Clinton’s campaign.


Manafort pleaded guilty Friday to conspiracy against the United States and obstruction of justice. He was convicted in federal court in Virginia on Aug. 21 on bank fraud, tax fraud and money laundering charges. He was scheduled to face trial in Washington, D.C., on charges directly related to his consulting work for Yanukovych. (RELATED: Manafort Expected To Accept Plea Deal With Mueller)


Nobody from Podesta Group or Mercury Public Affairs has faced charges in the case, though the latest indictment suggests that the lobbying firms skirted federal law by failing to register as foreign agents with the Department of Justice (DOJ).


According to the indictment, Manafort knowingly avoided registering with the DOJ and lied to the government about his work for Yanukovych, who was forced to leave office in 2014.


The indictment lays out evidence that Manafort, his business partner Rick Gates, and employees at Mercury Public Affairs and the Podesta Group were aware they were working for Yanukovych.


The head of Company B, believed to be Podesta, told his employees “to think the President of Ukraine ‘is the client.'”


The indictment also cites evidence that an employee of the Podesta Group realized the European Centre for a Modern Ukraine was being used as cover for Yanukovych.


“An employee of Company B described the Centre as a fig leaf, and the Centre’s written certification that it was not related to the Party of Regions as ‘a fig leaf on a fig leaf,’ referring to the Centre in an email as the ‘European hot dog stand for a Modern Ukraine,'” the indictment reads. (RELATED: Mueller Referred Podesta Case To New York Prosecutors)


“Company B wrote in an email to its team about a ‘potential representation for the Ukraine,’ having been contacted ‘at the suggestion of Paul Manafort who has been working on the current PM elections.'”


The indictment also says Manafort, Gates, and “employees of both Companies A and B referred to the client in ways that made clear they knew it was Ukraine, for instance noting that the ‘client’ had an Embassy in Washington D.C.”


Working at Manafort’s direction, Mercury and Podesta Group lobbied dozens of members of Congress, their staffers, and White House and Department of State officials regarding a host of issues related to Ukraine, including the validity of its elections.


Manafort frequently briefed Yanukovych on Mercury and Podesta’s lobbying activities. He also tasked the companies to prepare reports that he could provide to Yanukovych.

Anonymous ID: 520453 Sept. 14, 2018, 10:28 a.m. No.3022157   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2193 >>2209 >>2219 >>2235 >>2244 >>2309 >>2319 >>2330 >>2425 >>2515 >>2524 >>2561 >>2579 >>2589 >>2606 >>2665 >>2712 >>2746 >>2801 >>2823

Actor Harrison Ford growls and seethes at those who ‘don’t believe in science’ during climate speech


Actor Harrison Ford was full of righteous indignation as he growled and seethed at those who “don’t believe in science” during a speech Thursday on climate change.


No longer resembling the brash, wisecracking Han Solo he portrayed in “Star Wars” during his younger years, the 76-year-old — sporting a full white beard and gray hair — appeared to take on the persona of an Old Testament prophet behind the podium at the Global Climate Action Summit in San Francisco.

‘We know who they are!’


“Stop giving power to people who don’t believe in science, or worse than that, pretend they don’t believe in science for their own self-interest,” Ford growled at the crowd. “They know who they are! We know who they are!”


As a preacher would giving an impassioned sermon, the actor brought down the volume a bit to dramatically emphasize that whether one is “rich or poor, powerful or powerless, we will all suffer the effects of climate change and ecosystem destruction, and we are facing what is quickly becoming the greatest moral crisis of our time — that those least responsible will bear the greatest costs.”


Ford also warned there’s “a risk if we don’t change the path that we’re on today, the future of humanity is at stake.”


And perhaps in case some weren’t crystal clear on his points, he noted to the crowd that “we are s**t out of time,” the Huffington Post reported.


Gone to the darkside

Anonymous ID: 520453 Sept. 14, 2018, 10:30 a.m. No.3022181   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2266 >>2366 >>2425 >>2712 >>2801

Special Report: Planned Parenthood’s Main Collector Sells Aborted Tissue At Over Double Real Price


A major tissue collection company is allegedly selling aborted baby body parts for double to triple their price, according to a Monday report.


A Center For Medical Progress (CMP) special report reveals that Advance Bioscience Resources, Inc. (ABR) — a 501(c)3 non-profit — is allegedly selling aborted body parts for much more than their real cost even though federal law forbids the transfer of fetal tissue in exchange for “valuable consideration.”


Profit from the sale of fetal tissue does not indicate a violation of the law, but commercial sale of an item at a cost greater than reimbursement value is illegal.


ABR charged customers separately for two eyeballs from the same aborted baby, according to transaction records. Despite multiple charges for the specimens, however, ABR sent the eyeballs to the researcher together so that there would only be one transaction cost as opposed to two, according to CMP’s report.


Adding up ABR’s fees, a tissue’s reimbursement cost should be no more than $1,090 effective of Jan. 1 2015. ABR charged customers $5,000 and $6,000 for specimens in 2012, according to CMP’s special report.


ABR charged a University of Utah customer $12,000 for two tissue samples that arrived in too poor of a condition to be usable for research, CMP’s report claims. The customer responded to ABR’s bill, noting “the costs for travel, hotel, time, food, personnel time, clinic fees and some overhead … [is] around $3,000.”


A Select Investigative Panel found in 2016 that ABR had committed “potential violations of the law.”


U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley also referred Planned Parenthood affiliates and a number of fetal tissue companies — including ABR — to the FBI and the Department of Justice for investigation. (RELATED: DOJ Launches Investigation Into Planned Parenthood)


ABR manages a yearly revenue of approximately $1.5 million with more than $200,000 in profit. ABR’s contract with Planned Parenthood is worth roughly $1 million, according to Monday’s report.


The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as well as the National Institutes of Health (NIH) are two of ABR’s main customers. Since 2012, the FDA has entered into eight contracts with ABR.


April 2017 footage also shows Planned Parenthood’s Medical Directors’ Council President Dr. Mary Gatter bargaining over aborted body part prices.


CMP undercover footage documents other suspect activity, including Planned Parenthood employees and leaders talking about colleagues who are trained to check off paperwork indicating they comply with the federal government’s partial birth abortion ban, but then dismembering unborn babies after 22 weeks which violates federal law.


ABR did not immediately respond to The Daily Caller News Foundation’s request for comment.

Anonymous ID: 520453 Sept. 14, 2018, 10:32 a.m. No.3022208   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2322

Pelosi renews Obama's 'war on coal,' backs group looking to shut down coal plants


House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., is renewing President Barack Obama's so-called “war on coal” by backing a radical initiative to shut down more than a third of U.S. coal plants by 2020 – a line of attack that spectacularly backfired for Hillary Clinton in 2016.


“Under President Obama, we went on to pass the Waxman-Markey American Clean Energy and Security Act in the House. But we were stopped in the Senate by the coal industry,” Pelosi said in remarks Thursday to the Global Climate Action Summit in California, according to a video obtained by the NTK Network – an outlet backed by the right-wing America Rising PAC.


“For this and other reasons, I’m so grateful to [Former New York City Mayor] Michael Bloomberg’s ‘Beyond Coal’ initiative working with the Sierra Club. It is so essential.”


The "Beyond Coal" website describes coal as “an outdated, backward, and dirty 19th-century technology.”


“The Beyond Coal campaign’s main objective is to replace dirty coal with clean energy by mobilizing grassroots activists in local communities to advocate for the retirement of old and outdated coal plants and to prevent new coal plants from being built,” the website says.


It advocates retiring a third of the nation’s coal plants by 2020, replacing most retired coal plants with “clean energy solutions such as wind, solar, and geothermal” and “keeping coal in the ground in places like Appalachia and Wyoming’s Powder River Basin.”


It’s the latest in a series of such statements for Pelosi, who hailed her own efforts to kill off coal initiatives last month.


“We had to fight some Democrats. Senator Byrd had a coal powered plant fueling the Capitol, you know I was speaker and that’s gonna go,” she said. With all due respect to West Virginia, we’re not gonna have a coal power plant floating around.”


Republicans and the coal industry had accused the Obama administration of waging a war on coal via environmental regulations that limited emissions.


An aggressive stance on coal hurt 2016 Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton, who had to apologize in West Virginia when angry residents confronted her about remarks she made about putting coal companies out of business.


“Because we’re going to put a lot of coal miners and coal companies outta business,” she bragged at a Democratic debate, before adding that “we don’t want to forget those people.”


"I don't know how to explain it other than what I said was totally out of context from what I meant because I have been talking about helping Coal Country for a very long time," Clinton later told an unemployed coal miner.

Anonymous ID: 520453 Sept. 14, 2018, 10:33 a.m. No.3022229   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2304 >>2425 >>2712 >>2801

Trump Slams John Kerry For ‘Illegal Meetings’ With Iran: ‘Was he registered under the Foreign Agents Registration Act?’


As we pointed out yesterday, it’s now been confirmed that John Kerry had meetings with Iran where he was basically trying to undercut the Trump administration. He had no business doing it and Trump has taken notice.


FOX News reports:


Trump blasts John Kerry for ‘illegal meetings’ with Iranian regime


President Trump blasted John Kerry for having “illegal meetings” with members of the Iranian Regime and questioned whether the former secretary of state was registered under the Foreign Agents Registration Act.


“John Kerry had illegal meetings with the very hostile Iranian Regime, which can only serve to undercut our great work to the detriment of the American people. He told them to wait out the Trump Administration! Was he registered under the Foreign Agents Registration Act? BAD!” Trump tweeted Thursday night.


The Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) is a disclosure statement that requires a person acting as an agent of a foreign principal in a political or quasi-political capacity to make public disclosure of their relationship with the foreign principal.


Kerry’s meetings do not appear to violate FARA, but some have suggested they could be in violation of the Logan Act, which prohibits private citizens from negotiating on behalf of the U.S. government without authorization, though no one has ever been successfully prosecuted under the law.


Just try to imagine the reaction from Democrats and their media allies if a State Department official from the Bush administration had done something like this to Obama. It would have been considered an international scandal and a high crime. But for Kerry? Crickets.

Anonymous ID: 520453 Sept. 14, 2018, 10:36 a.m. No.3022276   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2302 >>2425 >>2712 >>2801

Sweden Election: Prosecutor Considers Alleged Votes For Building Permits Mosque


A mosque in the Swedish town of Botkyrka could be under investigation for electoral fraud after allegations that the imam had offered up to 3,000 votes to the Moderate Party in exchange for building permits.


Only days before Sweden’s national election, it was revealed that the Alby Mosque in Botkyrka had allegedly proposed a deal with the Moderate Party promising to rally worshippers to vote for the party which claimed to have outright rejected the offer.


Now, the mosque has been reported for election fraud, with chief prosecutor at the National Anti-Corruption Office Alf Johansson claiming that he is investigating the matter saying: “I will decide if there is a crime that can be suspected or not,” Swedish broadcaster SVT reports.


“It is on my desk and during the week I will decide if it will lead to an investigation or not. That is, I would dare to say, a new phenomenon and would require some consideration,” Johansson said.


“It is serious as it may affect the citizen’s view of the voting system. And disturb the public’s view of the security of the vote,” he added.


The potential investigation would be another blow to the Swedish voting system which was described this week by Danish Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) election observer Michael Aastrup Jensen as “undemocratic”.


Speaking to Danish media, Jensen said the day after the election: “In all the many election observations I’ve been on, I have not seen anything that comes close to how undemocratic the Swedish voting system is.”


Since then, other observers have commented on the system including Amanda Valentin, Deputy Secretary-General of the Swedish International Liberal Centre (Silc), who said: “In particular, foreign electoral officers responded to how easy it was to see how people would vote, as most voters open the ballot papers without hiding their choice.”


Several scandals also broke out ahead of the vote that involved the ruling Social Democrats including a candidate who declared Islamic law was superior to Swedish law and another member who wrote lies about opposition parties in Arabic on social media.

Anonymous ID: 520453 Sept. 14, 2018, 10:39 a.m. No.3022308   🗄️.is 🔗kun

‘Wash your mouth out’: Italy’s Salvini hits out at top EU official over ‘little Mussolinis’ remark


Italian Deputy PM Matteo Salvini fired back at top EU economic official Pierre Moscovici, telling him to “wash his mouth out” following Moscovici’s remark on the spread of “little Mussolinis” in Europe.


Moscovici, the European commissioner for economic and financial affairs, voiced his fear over the rise of right-wing forces in some countries, comparing the situation to the WWII era.


“Fortunately there is no sound of jackboots, there is no Hitler, (but maybe there are) small Mussolinis. That remains to be seen,” he told reporters in Paris on Thursday.


The remark did not go down well in Rome, with deputy PM and head of the anti-immigration, Eurosceptic Northern League Party Matteo Salvini firing back at the EU official.


“He should wash his mouth out before insulting Italy, the Italians and their legitimate government,” Salvini said in a statement. He also advised France, Moscovici’s home country, to take a look at its own deeds, like bombing Libya, instead of castigating Italy’s policy on immigration.


The furious response was posted by Salvini’s party, together with a satirical picture of Moscovici being kissed by EU Commission chief Jean-Claude Juncker.


Paris and Rome recently locked horns over immigration. In late August, Salvini backed Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, a vocal critic of the EU’s handling of migration issues. The duo lambasted French President Emmanuel Macron during a joint press conference in Milan on August 28. The French leader hit back, saying that if the two wanted to see him “as their main opponent, they were right to do so.”


Budapest has been at odds with pro-immigration politicians in Brussels, however, the EU recently moved further than just criticism of Orban. On Wednesday, the EU Parliament agreed to trigger the so-called ‘nuclear option’ Article 7 against Hungary over its migration policies and “media suppression.” The measure, if fully implemented, would strip Budapest of its voting rights in the EU Council. The move has been denounced by Hungary and branded “petty revenge of pro-immigration politicians” by Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto.

Anonymous ID: 520453 Sept. 14, 2018, 10:46 a.m. No.3022400   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2417 >>2425 >>2600 >>2712 >>2801

Raytheon’s War Crimes in Yemen


For more than three years, Raytheon, a major US defense contractor, has been aiding and abetting war crimes in Yemen, manufacturing the world’s worst humanitarian crises and profiting upon the bodies of Yemeni children torn apart by their bombs.


Largely hidden from the public, billions of dollars have been made by American arms manufactures in the US backed war in Yemen. As a result, the Saudis are able to deliberately produce massive civilian causalities, using Raytheon’s weapons with the purpose of starving the people of Yemen and depriving them of life saving medicine.


With one Yemeni child dying every ten minutes, without the help of Raytheon, the Saudis would not be as successful as they are now; at the same time Raytheon also benefits from that success, seeing a sharp rise in their share prices, because when civilian death toll rises, so do Raytheon’s stocks.


This can be quite difficult for many Americans to stomach, but the sad truth is that the Saudi airstrikes on Yemen have correlated with the dramatic rise in Raytheon’s share price; in the three years the war has been active, Raytheon’s stocks rose by 94 percent, from $108.44 per share in 2015 to $210.70 in 2018.


Remnants of missiles from Saudis have been retrieved which trace back to Raytheon, hundreds of civilian deaths have been confirmed from these discoveries alone. Considering the fact that Raytheon’s weapons have been used to target weddings, civilian homes, water drilling rigs, and funeral ceremonies, the high rate of civilian deaths is not as surprising.


In April, the Saudis launched a missile at a wedding in northern Yemen, 23 people were killed with the majority of causalities being women and children. The missiles were later shown to come from Raytheon’s factory in southern Arizona, and four days after the attack, Raytheon’s quarterly earnings rose to $633 million for $2.20 per share.


Bombing civilians in order to make the Houthis surrender appears to be the Saudi’s intent. In 2016, a missile manufactured by Raytheon hit a hospital run by Doctors Without Borders, killing 11, including a staff member. Shortly after, Doctors Without Borders was forced to flee the country, making the humanitarian crises much worse.


Despite all these atrocities, the US government continues to supply the Saudis with arms for their assault on Yemen. In 2017 Saudi Arabia agreed to $7 billion worth of munitions from Raytheon and Boeing. On top of that, the US military is also providing the Saudis with mid air fueling and giving them the exact coordinates of where to bomb. All the while weapons manufactures idly sit back making a killing profit off of the killing of children.

Anonymous ID: 520453 Sept. 14, 2018, 10:49 a.m. No.3022432   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2502 >>2712 >>2801

Retired British scientist who has been critical of the UK government's agenda regarding the Skripal affair, is arrested in his home by Devon police


A chemical weapons expert who appears on the Russia Today TV news channel has been arrested after officers discovered potentially hazardous materials at his home in Devon.


Former research scientist Dr Chris Busby - an outspoken critic of the British Government's handlings of the Salisbury poisoning - was held after officers reported feeling unwell during a raid on his property yesterday morning.


Police had initially targeted the address in the sleepy seaside town of Bideford over concerns for a woman's welfare.


However officers complained of feeling unwell and were immediately checked over by an ambulance Hazardous Area Response Team and fire crews.


A search of the property found items required analysis from specialist officers and a bomb disposal team.

Anonymous ID: 520453 Sept. 14, 2018, 10:52 a.m. No.3022463   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2490 >>2622 >>2712 >>2801

MASSIVE Bank Layoffs In Europe! – The Cashless Society Is Coming


Josh Sigurdson talks with author and economic analyst John Sneisen about the recent news out of Europe of mass layoffs at banks throughout the region. We recently reported on the fact that Deutsche Bank was looking to lay off 10,000 workers. They did indeed make the decision to lay off 1000 workers. After being downgraded and new dates set for their crisis plan, it’s worth pointing out that all of the major banks are bankrupt considering their terrible cash to deposit ratios. Well now, it appears that European banks have cut jobs to the lowest in at least 20 years! Banks are closing branches and going digital. Bank employment in Europe fell by 70,000 last year to about 2.5 million. That’s the lowest level we’ve seen since about 1997. More than 5,800 bank branches were shut down last year. The total number now sits around 183,000. The excuses are that it’s all about banking going digital as more than half the people in the EU now do their banking online compared with 29% in 2008. The excuses aren’t very good really. A lot of this has to do with the vast debt the banks have gotten themselves into. The poverty of the masses and then yes, of course the cashless society being unrolled. If you put your money in the bank, it’s not yours, it’s the bank’s. If your money is always going through the banks via digital transactions and legal tender laws, it’s never your money, it’s always the bank’s and that makes you a total pawn of the banking system and government. China and India are leading the cashless society world wide while attempting to manipulate and regulate decentralized cryptocurrencies in favor of their centrally planned cashless systems, complete with over the top social credit and even systems like Aadhar in India which scans people’s retinas. As this system is further pushed forward, it will result in further poverty among the masses. Everything is tracked. The state can shut down payments if you’re not a “good” citizen. It’s a desperation move by the global banking system as banks attempt to prop interest rates up to avoid going negative in the years to come as all fiat systems eventually revert to their true value of zero going back to 1024AD in China. Will we bend the knee to this system? Or will we decentralize our lives, protect our wealth, educate ourselves and be self sustainable? That is the question. Do not allow yourself to be dependent on these massive centralized powers.

Anonymous ID: 520453 Sept. 14, 2018, 10:56 a.m. No.3022513   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2544

Bone-Chilling Footage From Inside China Shows Raw Reality of Enslavement Tacitly Supported by Big Tech


Chinese man describes the horror as best he can: “They’re eating our flesh and drinking our blood“.


This is the system that big tech companies are bowing to. Apple and Google have created a dangerous precedent for both business and press freedom in choosing to ally with the communist Chinese.

In following Chinese regulations on net censorship, these tech companies are enabling a tyrannical regime unlike anything else on the planet.


While the MSM has focused our attention on “Russian meddling”, China has infiltrated U.S. universities and think tanks, pushing the communist party agenda into our nation.


The harsh reality of full fleged tyranny has been forgotten in the western world, where we still enjoy the fruits of our ancestors’ bloody battles.


The Chinese enjoy forced sterilizarion, mobile execution vans, bans on private gun ownership, restricted speech, a ban on Christianity (other religions too) and total surveillance.


These videos show the horrific human rights violations imposed on the Chinese people.


Total surveillance A 2016 report from the Wall Street Journal shows the pervasive surveillance system that tracks citizens every move:

Anonymous ID: 520453 Sept. 14, 2018, 11:04 a.m. No.3022617   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2712 >>2801

Joe Biden – Give Me Money To Defeat Trump & Conspiracy with Deep State?

Anonymous ID: 520453 Sept. 14, 2018, 11:10 a.m. No.3022683   🗄️.is 🔗kun



OR in this case hurricane.


  1. Set stage for FISA release.

  2. Get Sarah Carter to say it's expected the unredacted version will drop late last week early next at the latest. This being last week of course.

  3. Direct everyone to Hannity who says Sara carter is almost always right with her predictions.

  4. Cabal immediately set their weather weapons into motion, big issue needs a big distraction!

  5. Trump tweets again about FISA docs, but the storm hasn't arrived yet, cabal panics blows up a bunch of houses.

  6. Once hurricane is going it can't be stopped. Sara Carter says on Hannity with the storm coming I'd say we'll have to wait until next week after the hurricane for FISA docs.


More expended ammo!

Anonymous ID: 520453 Sept. 14, 2018, 11:16 a.m. No.3022749   🗄️.is 🔗kun

University Announces "White Awake" Safe Space For White Students