But the shills said nothing is happening…
Probably if you would read the threads here you'd realize what all is going on and you wouldn't make silly posts like this one. But you do you
You shot your load again, and as usual it did nothing for anyone. Sad little boy.
If you got any more stupid you would be brain dead. You're in the trailer park all alone with your wifebeater on drinking Keystone Light. Same as every day. Loser.
MSM has been oddly silent on this topic, as has POTUS. 1st responder said 'gag order' on scanner last night. Do not expect to hear much about this one.
Same person, same shit, repackaged. He's been here for weeks and weeks. He is just a disturbed loner who refers to himself as 'we'. Sad.
Tons of speculation but not much sauce to back it up so far.
Initial report said '17' homes on fire. So I would say it's likely, but hard to say just what. Lots of underground tunnels in that area, lots of convicted/registered sex offenders. The concerted effort to keep focus on Florence and ignore this is….glaringly obvious. The why is less obvious.