Anonymous ID: 0ee9f2 Sept. 14, 2018, 5:44 p.m. No.3027245   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7320 >>7355 >>7366

Mr. Pompeo told reporters on Friday that he saw Mr. Kerry in February at a security conference in Munich. He said that the former senior diplomat Wendy R. Sherman and former Energy Secretary Ernest J. Moniz — both of whom helped negotiate the 2015 nuclear deal — were also there and that he was “confident” that the three met with their Iranian counterparts.

In an interview, Ms.SHERMAN said that while she met with Mr. Zarif at the conference, she did so without Mr. Kerry or Mr. Moniz. She said she made it a practice to alert and brief the State Department before and after any meetings with Iranian diplomats. “The criticism of us is ludicrous on so many levels,” Ms. Sherman said. Later Friday, a spokesman for Mr. Kerry said the former diplomat described the details of the meetings with Iranian officials in a long phone call with Mr. Pompeo.

Talking shit on twitter but calling Pompeo kissing ass !! Both Kerry And Sherman met with Zarif