Anonymous ID: 76d68c Sept. 14, 2018, 5:31 p.m. No.3027091   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Quantum Chromodynamic Binding energy is 99% of the mass of the proton. Matter the 3 quarks is 1%. So the trick is to figure out what the energy is acting on to bind the quarks in a 'hurricane eye wall or black hole" And then how that works - then our science completely changes - energy space everything.

Anonymous ID: 76d68c Sept. 14, 2018, 5:43 p.m. No.3027231   🗄️.is 🔗kun

please check my math


How big is the proton?

Because protons are not fundamental particles, they possess a physical size, though not a definite one; the root mean square charge radius of a proton is about 0.84–0.87 fm or0.84×10−15 to0.87×10−15 m.


Mass of Proton


1.672621898X. 10−27 kg[1]

938.2720813(58) MeV/c2[2]


the speed of light =

299 792 458 m / s



EProton= 1. 672621898 X10^-27 Kg* (299 792 458 m / s)^2

= 1. 672621898e-27 Kg* 8.987551787e+16

=1.50327759289610516349668072e-10 Kgm/s


How big is the proton?

Because protons are not fundamental particles, they possess a physical size, though not a definite one; the root mean square charge radius of a proton is about 0.84–0.87 fm or0.84×10−15 to0.87×10−15 m.

Thus the Energy per meter area is:

The energy of Proton / the area of the proton

1.50327759289610516349668072e-10 Kgm/s / 0.85e-15m=

= 176856.18739954178394078596705882 Kg/s


Option 2:

Ratio of area of proton to c^2=

0.85e-15 m / 8.987551787e+16 m/s=

=9.4575254768431856157937707803052e-33 seconds

This is the area of energy the proton contains.


If you then divide the EProton by the ratio of area of proton to c^2=

15895041431120167484788.273385791 kgm

Anonymous ID: 76d68c Sept. 14, 2018, 6:02 p.m. No.3027458   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7475 >>7495 >>7511


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