Anonymous ID: 06a567 Sept. 14, 2018, 6:13 p.m. No.3027574   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7588 >>7596 >>7910 >>8006


Got to get more info on Hitler. Shit is wack. What really gets my brain confused is the JFK man crush on Hitler and some of Hitlers speeches sound like the truth.


Himmler was pure Occult that is a given. We do not have a clear idea what went on in WW2. We have the illusion we know what happened but that is not the truth.


Did we know Pearl Harbor was coming? Yep

Was Roosevelt a genetic Jew? Probably

Was Stalin a Jew? His real name means son of the Jew so you tell me.

Was Churchill a Jew? His mom was Jewish so by Jew law Winston is a Jew.


So with all that out there why should you believe anything you have read or heard? We need more sauce on WW2. It is not what it seems.

Anonymous ID: 06a567 Sept. 14, 2018, 6:16 p.m. No.3027599   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7618 >>7627 >>7638


No..I just get tired of having to parse everything. Fucking Jews have messed with the language enough. Let them explain themselves. When I say Jew I mean Jewdom. The Tribe of the Jews….but really the elite. The ones in the know.


Normie Jew is the lower down Jews…the ones that are not trusted with the keys to the kingdom.

Anonymous ID: 06a567 Sept. 14, 2018, 6:23 p.m. No.3027674   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7696



First half….so much stuff to look at I forgot about it. Is the last half a mind fucker? I guess I should take a look. Thanks for reminding me.

I am at this shit 18 hours a day almost 7 days a week and still I run out of time. I have a closet filled with over 100 books I have gotten and only read about 15. I have hundreds of movies picked up for nuggets to watch…the movies I usually get to. The sheer amount of information out there is amazing..and might be part of the "you have more than you know" shit.


I can not take it much faster than I am.

Anonymous ID: 06a567 Sept. 14, 2018, 6:32 p.m. No.3027784   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7965


I am sure the sauce will get thicker and thicker if some Random French faggot hiding in America turns out to be the top. But funny thing…..they might be Jews anyway.


What is up with the whole man in the iron mask King of france story. Likely some Jew fuckery cuckoos egg shit right there.


DNA all these niggas. Hell if I was Trump I would send agents or mini drones or mosquito drones out there and get DNA samples on all these families and get the bottom of the story once and for all.


Hell get to it MI….get me some blood samples of the elite and lets figure this shit out.