Anonymous ID: 35211a Sept. 14, 2018, 6:54 p.m. No.3028054   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Not to concernfag or anything but this is a good question for Q:


Why are we selling arms to these guys. The answer to this leads to the question about Deep State/MIC.


If MI is involved in taking down 3 letter agencies, then that still leaves them. No doubt the business model of MIC needs customers, needs wars and these SA type deals come back to bit you in the ass, you reap what you sow. Ask No Name how that's working for him?


I know Greenwald and Snowden and that whole thing has a larger story than what it out there, but I don't what that is.


If we are helping MIC kill the competition, then be advised MIC is next and this kinda shit ends, then you got a shot at world peace.. Can we have a year when some bullshit is not killing somebody somewhere? Ending the CIA is a start.