Anonymous ID: 65a7d8 Sept. 14, 2018, 6:14 p.m. No.3027587   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7619 >>7675 >>7685

>>3027519 (lb)

If anyone’s interested in Marco watch the YouTube videos of him at “Harvey’s”, he’s old school French brigade system as fuck, (videos are pre reality tv) and there are some funny stories of him completely owning both Mario Batali and Gordon Ramsey who both worked under him. For example.


-There’s a letter/phone cal in which GOrdon complains that Marcos too tough and makes him cry and he wants to come home LOL

-Gordon once complained the Kitchen was too hot, so Marco cut the entire back of his chef coat and pants and said if that’s not cool enough for you, fuck off home then.

Etc etc etc.

Gordon was his bitch.


Everything GR does on reality tv is how Marco is in real life without cameras.

Anonymous ID: 65a7d8 Sept. 14, 2018, 6:24 p.m. No.3027689   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7768


My training is mostly in Italian and South American. It’s not about what’s the hardest, it’s about doing every detail from scratch so (They) can’t fuck with ur food. make ur own pasta, bread etc.


Also! Failed to mention, the BEST culinary school in the world (currently) is Culinary Institute of America (Yup that’s right CIA). The graduates there generally start close to the top, at least with connections to the best restaurants. It also used to be an all boys school, i would NOT be surprised one bit if CIA was recruiting at CIA (cannot confirm), but we know how all these fast track/all boys/generically named companies/schools work. Prob worth a dig at some point, it’s like the Ivy League, most of the famous/top chefs in the country went there, so wouldn’t be surprised if they had programs like at Yale to comp people and make them famous/high status.