Anonymous ID: 820424 Feb. 7, 2018, 9:46 p.m. No.302861   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2867 >>2925 >>3048 >>3085

[Part 1] As we delve into the medical aspect of things (whether you realize it or not, we are climbing a ladder here, being introduced to new [to us] aspects of reality in a gradual and structured way):


Everything is about vibration. Not in the woo-woo way we've been conditioned to think of it, but vibrating energy. Think "microwave oven." It resonates the water molecule. Put a surge of electromagnetic energy into a water molecule and it's going to move. Vibrate. It moves from A to B, then back to A. [This isn't really how it works but it makes the point.] Each movement takes a certain amount of time. Feed in the EM energy at that exact frequency (timing) and it's like pushing a kid on a swing: if your timing is just right, you push forward when the kid is moving forward anyway, and the kid goes higher and higher, eventually wrapping around the bar holding the swing. Everything is about timing. Apply force, in a specific direction, to something at the exact instant it was moving in that direction anyway and the energy just builds and builds. Push the kid on the swing at the wrong time and you either never make contact or you resist the backward motion. Everything is timing.


This is resonance. Every molecule, every atom, every object has a fixed (more or less) frequency it wants to vibrate at. Apply EM energy at that frequency and the molecules, atoms, etc. will excite more and more and more until they can't hold the energy anymore. At which point something about them changes. The swing wraps around the bar and changes the whole equation. The potato in the microwave starts on fire (so much for lunch.) Or, for our purposes, the cancer cell or evil virus or whatever shatters (cells have their own resonant frequency too). The most common example of using resonance to destroy something is the singer and the wine glass. Same principle: feeding in energy at an object’s resonant frequency.


In order for this to work, you have to exceed the object’s threshold for holding its structural integrity. [I know, too much Star Trek.] You have to build up more energy than it can handle.


That’s how Royal Rife was curing cancer in the 1930’s. Part 2 coming soon to a theater near you.

Anonymous ID: 820424 Feb. 7, 2018, 9:58 p.m. No.302932   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3048 >>3224 >>3328

[Part 2] The brain of a cell is not the nucleus (where the DNA hangs out). It's the membrane. The membrane is enormously complex and does a whole lot more than keep the cell from leaking. It has receptors that trigger the creation of proteins within the cell. DNA itself does not "express." It's the paper on the glass of a copy machine. It has to be read. That's what RNA does. DNA has sleeves that need to be removed before it can be read. What triggers the whole process? Receptors on the membrane.


The part that medical science suppresses is that the receptors are multi-functional. By nature they are set up to match the exact shape of the molecule they're looking for. Like a square peg in a square hole, only that molecule will "bind" to the receptor because it fits inside it. This binding changes the polarity of the receptor and it moves around and triggers a whole bunch of activity reading DNA and creating proteins.


Our DNA is said to be 90% junk. What a joke. Nature wasting ANYTHING? Really?

It's 90% stuff the butt heads don't want us to know about but it's not junk. DNA can even make more DNA. So much for those decaying telomeres that cause aging. Most of what we see occurring with humanity is default behavior. The fallback when nothing else is signaled to happen. Nothing else is signaled to happen because we've been duped into believing nothing else CAN happen.


The receptors on the cell membrane are multi functional. What else stimulates them besides chemistry? EM energy. Specifically, thought. Belief. Perception. What part of the brain is not electrical? None of it. So what do people THINK is happening?


Here's where it gets complicated. Like a resonating wine glass, you can't just hit the right note and everything magically transpires. There's that threshold I mentioned in part 1. Below that, little is going to happen. You have to accumulate and build at just the right frequency. This is how we manifest things in life; physical changes to our bodies are just a subset of that same conceptual arena.


Part 3 is yet to come.

Anonymous ID: 820424 Feb. 7, 2018, 10:13 p.m. No.303033   🗄️.is 🔗kun

[Part 3] Like a microwave resonating a molecule, you have to hold the proper input frequency for some minimum amount of time for the required energy to cross the threshold and make something happen. This is really problematic for us humans because we aren't trained to do that. Our thoughts wander a flit around all over the place.


Another example: a text message comes in on your phone. You feel some small release of dopamine. All you did was perceive that text message coming in. You assign all kinds of meaning to the event, but in the end that isn't what triggers the dopamine release. It's YOU. You just complicated the process to require a certain event before you trigger the result. You could just as easily trigger the same dopamine release with no event at all. But in our current state of affairs on Terra, that's not very likely to happen.


This is how people heal spontaneously. "Miracle healings," they call them. There is nothing miraculous about them, beyond the entire system of life being a miracle. It's a tricky process. The issue is stabilizing the input and most of us just don't know how to do it. Including me. A lot of it is just practice.


Whatever the drug companies are pushing always seems to include these horrific side effects. None of them are necessary. They know exactly how to remove all those side effects and still get the effect of the "cure" any given chemical provides. Why don't they? Because they're really nasty critters and they want us all messed up.


Again: look at the Art Bell Princeton experiment from 2001. It demonstrates the power of collective thought on a global network of computer systems. The result was nothing short of staggering. There are no special rules about applying all this to your mom or your dog or your hamster. You just have to learn to stabilize the input. Focus. That doesn't mean push, it doesn't mean effort. It means consistently unwavering focus on one thing. Practice makes perfect.


Most of the block to mental healing is our belief that it can't be done. So we're trained to just dismiss all those cases of "miracle healings" that are all over the internet, all over history. Oh yeah, that was just a fluke.


Remember how closely so many movies parallel real life. "Use the force." It's been said there is no more powerful force in the universe than the focus of human attention. That's what is waking up; that's what the Storm is ultimately about, and as we progress through its various stages, you'll see more and more that it leaves anything to do with Obama and the Clintons in kindergarten while we're getting our Ph.D. theses. But that's later. Today, we're here, and we're doing this, so be here and do this.

Anonymous ID: 820424 Feb. 7, 2018, 10:21 p.m. No.303092   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3231 >>3289



To me, kratom is like welfare. It's great for the person receiving it, but somebody has to pay for it. Every substance that provides "relief" will take its toll in other ways. EVERY ONE. Ultimately each person makes their own decisions about how to run their lives. I'm just giving my input. People will do what they want to do. There are as many horror stories about kratom as there are claims of its being a wonder drug. I have never tried it; I won't. No reason to. There is no salvation down that road. But each person makes their own decisions about their own lives. It's just a fact: if it makes you feel good today, you will pay for it tomorrow in some way. How many people not on the stuff think it's the greatest thing ever?

Anonymous ID: 820424 Feb. 7, 2018, 10:23 p.m. No.303109   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3238 >>3291



I knew things were headed here, ultimately. I just didn't know how far down this road Q would ultimately lead us. Still not sure, but I suspect it's a good long way … over time.

Anonymous ID: 820424 Feb. 7, 2018, 10:28 p.m. No.303142   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Note that as far as I know, none of us have yet been called on to fight. To crusade against something, you must become it. You have to meet the "enemy" on the battlefield, and that requires matching their level - at which point what are you fighting except what you've become yourself? Build. Create. Indulge in passions. Whatever makes you happy that's constructive. Stop ignoring it. Get busy. It has the effect of lessening our resistance to the naturally occurring jump in base frequency that is ultimately what we're all going through. It can be quite painful. A quote that is attributed to R. Buckminster Fuller, whether correctly so or not: "Don't waste time fighting the bad guys. Create the alternative."

Anonymous ID: 820424 Feb. 7, 2018, 11:08 p.m. No.303376   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3384

Had to Google both!


Hayflick limit - not sure cells continue to divide if the "whole" doesn't call for it. Otherwise no woman would ever complain about her boob size. Of course in men, the stomach fat cells may have no such limit…


HeLa cells: Ms. Lack isn't with us anymore so it's probably just a question of these cells never receiving the signal to die off. And of course the telomere shortening thing appears not to be occurring. It may just be a natural deterrent to cloning.