real homegrown medicine.
He does not use Butane.
Organic Grain alcohol works fine. It is a polar solvent so it will collect chlorophyll and other water soluble components.
For a Non-polar solvent, he has recommended Naptha before, which is petroleum based and a bit sketchy. Theoretically it should all evaporate, but that really depends on solvent purity and that's a whole other issue.
it does.
Checked, and with turmeric, a dash of black pepper will make it more effective / bioavailable.
^^^ Specifically referring to RSO production, not foods.
Agreed. Olive oil, coconut oil, and butter are great mediums for the good stuff daily supplementation.
For acute, last chance medicine, concentrates have saved lives. CO2 seems ideal. Home folks in a pinch do have alternatives though. Side effects of chemo vs. side effects of some solvent residue? It's a gamble for sure.