Anonymous ID: 0f8d36 Sept. 14, 2018, 7:33 p.m. No.3028470   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8532 >>8718 >>8751 >>8872

I have a Biblefag question about Israel…

(For non Biblefags, please ignore)


This is a sentence from Matthew 24:9 where Jesus is telling his disciples about end time events…


"Then YOU will be handed over to be persecuted and put to death, and you will be hated by all nations because of ME…"


My whole life when I read this verse, I thought Jesus was telling his Jewish disciples (that would become Christians later after Jesus was resurrected) that they would be persecuted and put to death because they believed in Jesus. And to some extent this was true.


However, now that I know a bunch of really horrible news is going to come out about the nation of Israel (and many Jews), I am inclined to read this verse from a fresh perspective…


What if Jesus is warning modern day Jews that they will be persecuted and put to death and hated by all nations because Jesus (God) exposes all their evils through Trump?


This makes more sense and would explain why every nation seeks a war against Israel during the Great Tribulation. What else would draw all nations into a battle against them. And God says the only reason He saves them is NOT because they were worthy, but because they were so unworthy that saving them would prove to the world that God was real.

