Anonymous ID: 276496 Sept. 14, 2018, 8:04 p.m. No.3028762   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8796



Occult sources agree that the emblem of Chronos/Saturn was the scythe, and that this instrument was used to perform rites of human sacrifice. An article in NASA's Casini-Huygens Journal, "In Search of the Real Saturn," specifically mentioned 'beheading' as the means of murder: "The scythe carried by Saturn was not necessarily a farm instrument. Scythes were also used as weapons particularly for the beheading of monsters and giants." (363)



It seems that the occult underground, which is really the occult establishment, intends to revive this form of execution in order to restore the ancient religion of Osiris. To justify the mass slaughter of those who will not worship the devil in his varied forms, the worshippers of Satan (Saturn) scramble for ways to rationalize his bloodlust. In Fritz Springmeier's book, The Illuminati Formula, a Satanist known as Mother of Darkness defends human sacrifice on the grounds that such a cleansing will regenerate the earth, restore the balance, and serve as a deliverance for all parties involved. It seems that Saturn will be the gateway for the arrival of the ancient gods who will cleanse the earth. This is the meaning of the opening of the eye of Molech:


"Mother of Darkness: 'Saturn is the gateway that must be opened. For a season God has winked that man might be illuminated… Soon the other eye of God must open. Those who are illuminated have kept the balance point. The majority of mankind has not. Few seek the ancient seed of wisdom that comes from the brow of Lucifer… The other eye of God, as some would say. Chemosh. Cleansing fire. The outstretched arms of Molech.'


"Interviewer: 'What has that got to do with Saturn?'


"Mother of Darkness: 'Everything. This is the most secret thing. Saturn is the gateway. The point at which all thought is fixed. The point at which all feeling shall be projected as the eye opens. Much ritual and preparation has gone into the issuance through the gateway of the ancient ones. A strengthened invisible quintessence to hold them in this plane at the time of advent.


"Interviewer: 'And what will be the result of this advent? What will it mean?


"Mother of Darkness: 'A restoring of the balance. Those who do not seek wisdom shall cease… When the other eye opens the dawn shall come. The Golden Dawn shall be upon us… The urge to sacrifice others is a gift. It is a liberation from the awful rigidity…of other humans. However badly treated… They do not truly die. Light increases. Wisdom grows…Death begets life. The sacred cycle of the ancient. The earth shall regenerate herself when the eye of Molech opens." (49:161)



Music: Jupiter Lion - The Death of Dallas