Anonymous ID: 34c622 Sept. 14, 2018, 8:22 p.m. No.3028935   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8954 >>9029 >>9035

>>3027647 (pb)


Mueller will do no such thing. Such an indictment would be a boomerang that would eventually come back around to implicate his skeleton ass.


All of Mueller's bullshit will end when POTUS goes into DECLAS mode. The fact that POTUS hasn't yet DECLAS the FISA (and other docs) when he can easily do so convinces me more that Q is correct---this IS a show! POTUS is waiting for something to happen first, and the something is likely Kavenaugh's seating on the SCOTUS.


We now live in a world where up is down, bad is good, fucking children is becoming the norm, and any contrary opinion is censored. Evil everywhere! And there will be many more victims before The Show ends. But every war has casualties.


Mueller will not indict the Podestas because Podesta is at the heart of the DNC, and squeezing him would expose shit that would be lethtal to Hillary and Hussein. Will the DS willfully do anything that would expose or harm their precious queen and king? I doubt it. Podesta is connected toa whole lot of high profile traitors and criminals on the Left. Mueller knows better than to open that Pandora's box.

Anonymous ID: 34c622 Sept. 14, 2018, 8:28 p.m. No.3028994   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9004 >>9013 >>9020 >>9031


Hannity? Don't the TV news talking heads ALL do this ALL THE TIME? They no longer report the news or talk about the issues. They make the news about them and their opinions. And they rudely talk over and cut off their guests to keep the attention on themselves. Its all bullshit.


The last TV newsperson who has any respect is Lou Dobbs. All the rest of them are self-important famewhores.