Anonymous ID: b2831f Sept. 14, 2018, 7:43 p.m. No.3028539   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Someone should have shown your post during Jacks questioning. should be notable as prrof of Twitters ham fisted anti-conservative push.


good find anon!

Anonymous ID: b2831f Sept. 14, 2018, 8:17 p.m. No.3028899   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The reason there is so much about the Jews (here) goes way back to the old testament. Bear with me here.

Israel was commanded by their Jehovah GOD to obey his commandments, not go after false gods and more. But 1 & 2nd Kings, 1st and 2nd Chronicles tells us of how Israel went after Baal and the grove (Ancient Christmas) and various other gods. Moloch, Chemosh, Ashtoreth/Ashtoroth. Christmas came to be from the feast of Saturn, a 7 day drunken orgy. GOD had told Israel to put it simply, “don’t intermingle nor go after the other peoples gods.” Israel did. Ahab married Jezebel in the northern half of the kingdom which was taken into captivity by the Assyrians in 721BC. Jezebel brought ancient Christmas/Christ-mass into northern Israel. Jezebels father was a priest named Ethel-Baal of Tyre & Sidon. Ahab and Jezebel then procreated a nasty, evil woman named Athaliah. Now Athaliah brought Christmas worship (in its ancient form yet still Christmas as people know it today) into Judah. Judah was taken captive by Nebuchadnezzar from 706-586BC approx. The 70 weeks of Daniel is the spine of all prophecy. So what we are seeing going on in the world, is because these Israelites/Jews worshipped pagan gods when GOD said not to go after them. In 325AD, Constantine brought the Christmas, the Christ mass into the church to stop the goths, Visigoths, vandals, Huns from attacking and destroying his kingdom. In 313AD, Constantine also created the edict of Milan also known as “the edict of toleration.” So when you see “political correctness”, know that people are meaning this edict. Today it is all over the world. Churches in Europe have this rule of, “ok everyone, we will all get along… and nobody is allowed to say anything about anyone else.” Scripture says in the old testament that GOD, I mean to say the REAL GOD, told Israel, if you obey me, I’ll give you healthy children, great crops, you’re enemy will go against you one way and flee seven ways. But the Jews screwed up and gave their power unto the beast, which beast is the world ruling system. I’ve looked for 41 years (I’m 50 now) for answers to these hard truths. Nobody taught about the 70 weeks of Daniel during most of my life. Sad. But my pastor who DOES teach about ( all ) of the bible, teaches that everything going on in the world today is due to what Israel did (north and south Israel) during the time of the kings. GOD divorced Israel Jeremiah 3: 8 8 (KJV)

And I saw, when for all the causes whereby backsliding Israel committed adultery I had put her away, and given her a bill of divorce; yet her treacherous sister Judah feared not, but went and played the harlot also.

Israel was divorced by GOD and now Christ came later and died for his gentile elect church. I DO believe that with everything going on in Israel, that God has a remnant that will believe in Christ, the Messiah that the Jews are looking for even unto today. So we are witnessing prophecy unfold before our eyes. Isaiah prophesied that a remnant of Israel (disciples/Apostles) would bring the light (truth) until GOD’s elect gentiles, those who chose BEFORE he created anything.

-Biblefag anon.