Anonymous ID: cdedbe Sept. 14, 2018, 7:43 p.m. No.3028549   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8744 >>8808 >>8853 >>8873 >>8890 >>8936


I like Hannity a lot but I can't watch his show anymore. It's the same script every single night. Yes, we know Peter Strzok and Lisa Page were having an affair. Yes, we know they were plotting against President Trump. Yes, we know that the FBI was run by criminals who leaked to the media to help Hillary.


We know all of this already. All of these people are still completely free so I really hate listening to their crimes be exposed to the world on Hannity every night while they all still tweet and talk just as much shit as always. If a day ever comes where just one person gets arrested, then I'll probably start watching Hannity again.