Anonymous ID: ce1f62 Sept. 14, 2018, 8:04 p.m. No.3028761   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8888




> double meanings

I am inclined to think this is a play

> setting the stage

What is he really talking about?

He is showing that (((they))) exaggerate the numbers when it comes to destruction.

Why now?

> timing

What just happened with Florence?

Cat 4

Deff going to 5

13' waves


Cat 2 by the time it hits shore

Reports emerging it was more like a tropical storm

Weatherman caught "acting" like the wind was horrible

Two kids casually walk by

Building up steam

One scene at a time

People need to know what is going on.

How can they understand what happened to them if they can't understand how it was done?

How were we deceived?

Hired outside research firm


Never done before.

The local government was so corrupt that they quit being actual representatives

The intention was to make people believe it was worse than it was?


More aid?

Political hit job?

What firm was hired?

How was it chosen?


What funds were used to pay them?

Why didn't the local officials know their own death tolls?