do us and yourself a YUGE favor and get back on your last dosage of working meds. Promise you won't stop unless your doctor tells you to or you finish the job you are doing here. When this is all over taper off or stop if no indication of withdrawal. THEN assess your situation. We all need a crutch through this right now. For grandma check out L-dopa/.
want to. how long? will you sign my watchstanding qual card?
Yes, sir! Reporting. Plz b gentle, I'm fucking retarded but quick to learn. TY for the special opportunity. ty
MONTHS ago, overviewing now. watching screencast.
I am realizing this isn't going to work on my tablet. Let me try on a laptop. Sorry for this but I'm glad I am learning about this now and not after hand off. Be back under new id.
-okay. my first question is how do I copy the first post with proper formatting into the pastebin or create thread option?
Aye-aye. migrating to comms for test bake.
Okay…I fucked up. when I pasted cloned data in comments it said body too long, so I shortened it and now my first post is retarded. Wat do?
okay, same problem now but with second post, body too long. wat do?
like so?