It's what happens when you let reddit community in here. subhumans
machine shop is now china shop and home ec is now shekel collector 9000.
you caused all of our problems in the first place, pushing pedophilia and homosexual onto our kids. nobody wants you here faggot
my brain cells just go to shit after a week. can't even remember what day it is sometimes. taking a break is good, starting working out more. just cant find any good foods to eat.
I'll have to check, will keep this list saved though. I threw away my protein supplements after finding out they had soy in them. O I think, not for sure.
I'm checking the ingrediants more often than I was a few years ago. It's in almost everything. Crop yield here in over 60% soy. I feel like im living in china.
does FEMA have child traffickers?
no thanks oil man