Those screaming the LOUDEST! What more does he have to lose? He knows he's toast already!
His eyes reminded me of Shifty's…..made me wonder if they're going insane with fear.
Are they supposed to be genuine-real account of the actual day? If so, they're probably delighted and bragging of their evil feat.
That is horrible. The sick SOBs……EVIL to the core!
Men need to man-up too! Being a loyal partner and loving father will bring good values back to American homes. Our culture has declined dramatically. Some women just know that they men they choose are loosers…but just can't help themselves as their heart drives them.
Many parents today are real quick to re-assign the parenting to our schools. I might add that many parents today are too damned busy looking at their facebook to parent their children. The damned smart phones & tablets were one of the worse things created as they are destroying the core family values. I believe it was a twisted gift of evil from the cabal to further erode our society. It's too damned easy to hand a toddler a tablet rather than going outside to play with them and giving them individual attention. Respect and discipline starts at home. If kids don't get love and attention at home, they won't respect their parents. If kids don't respect their parents, how are they going to respect and listen to teachers?
I agree wholeheartedly. We are so obsessed with material things that families decide that both parents must work. Rather than budgeting, growing gardens, learning to sew, preserve food and safe money…they take the easy way out and let others raise their most precious possessions.
Sadly, they don't. Home economics used to be taught in schools to help the women become good parents and partners. Learning to cook, how to set a table, sew, preserve food helped prepare for adulthood. Shop used to be taught in schools to give some hands-on carpentry, mechanic know-how…but we let our government tell us they weren't necessary anymore. Instead, our kids are learning about acceptance of trans-genders, gays, inclusion…..makes me sick.
If these classes were brought back into public schools with full force…both girls and boys should be required to learn. Girls should know how to change a tire or do minor home repairs and men should know how to cook a meal too. Instead…both parents work now so they can eat out each night and hire a fix-it man to come into their home for repairs. The whole system and society got screwed over.
He learned while having fun then! Can cook for his family now and got to watch the chicks then!