Anonymous ID: cf2dd4 Sept. 15, 2018, 9:29 p.m. No.3041640   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3965 >>1362 >>1962

My top theories:


  • Solar observatories were closed to prevent someone from seeing/preparing for the solar storm that's coming. Solar storm takes out comms, communications blackout = invasion. i.e. it's a great time for a planned first strike, when comms go down. If true, it lines up quite nice with "…the storm is upon us" tweet, the emergency alert systems test, and beginning of declass/arrests. Also I think one of Hussein's final EO's was something regarding solar weather prep making this theory more juicy.


  • Solar observatories could be part of a weather control system. If you can predict something, you can control something, storms are controlled by the solar energy that gets dumped into them and the electromagnetic interactions that push charged particles around in our atmosphere. That means first step for controlling storms is knowing what the sun is sending towards you. The data they collect may have being used to manipulate Florence. Florence dropped multiple categories due to a ridge of warm air off the coast caused by strange solar interactions…i think. I'm not a meteorologist, but this storm seemed abnormal in multiple ways. Did the good guys literally take control of the weather? I've learned stranger things during the great awakening.


  • Sunspot NM is also an excellent candidate for a DUMB based on its location near military bases, it's remote location away from dense civilized areas, it's association with certain global institutions, and the fact that most of the facility is underground by nature of being a solar observatory. Has anyone been able to contact any of the people who worked at that facility? what happened to the people? I'd love to see someone email them some questions. It could be that a bunch of the staff got arrested for matters not relating to physical storms so much as metaphorical ones of the human trafficking variety.