<most common follower of fake maga and black propaganda agents on twatter
<most common follower of fake maga and black propaganda agents on twatter
And the last "they" there denotes the operators.
<kys kate
memegicians must be on vacation today.
and last week. and week before that.
and several weeks before that.
A very few. Many more fewer than usual.
Anon, did you know d-r-o-g-e means d-r-u-g.
Really. Wasn't the start the day POTUS as a boy learned JFK had been assassinated? Or maybe later when the bloody dark circle crashed the plane carrying all three of his brand-spakin' new casino CEOs in the effort to destroy his ability to take over the grey market of their money-laundering operations?
<Jan 7 2018 22:46:19 (EST)
<Jan 7 2018 23:01:24 (EST)
Feel privileged - POTUS just spoke to this board [P_pers]
<Jan 7 2018 23:09:58 (EST)
We chose this BOARD for a very specific reason.
<Feb 11 2018 19:30:54 (EST)
This board has more power & influence than anyone comprehends.
<Feb 15 2018 00:28:42 (EST)
This board has more power than you can imagine.
<Feb 15 2018 13:05:39 (EST)This board in the coming months will be spread & discussed across ALL PLATFORMS.
<Jul 29 2018 12:36:58 (EST)
Every C_A/MOS tactic of infiltration and internal disruption is being deployed on this board (central hub).
<Aug 28 2018 18:18:29 (EST)
Do you remember that our enemies are also monitoring this board?
>1 board +1 board = 2 boards
Except Reddit. Must get all patriots off Reddit.
Gather them all on a WWG1WGS(ome) board.
This is my second home.
Fully aware of what has gone on.
Over the past several weeks in particular,
there has been an increasingly pervasive shift
in content, content management, and morale.
But how else were the clowns going to warm
anon up to the posting style and general feel
of all their newly heralded former r/GA mods?
How else could they double-coat prime anon
for their previously forthcoming GA ban?
Shitty memes are the hallmark of shills.
Shitty memes are not sincere sentiments.
Shitty memes do not stir souls nor sway spirits.
Memes here ::totally look like:: /patriotsawoken/.
<How's the hivemind collective treatin' you anon?
<Do you feel connected, inspired, ignited?
Look anon, it's Mockingbird sharing his recipe.
80g of anon persona
20g of anons are nazis