For the East India Anon…did the EIC ever really go away….?
When reading the below, just like what is /was going on in USA Inc., so if the cabal knows who what when where and why to infiltrate, reveals the global reach and how it's larger than we know.
REPORT on the subversive activity conducted between 2005 – 2017 in the sectors of Justice and intelligence services, to enable political-judicial-economic interest groups to exercise state power
-leaking case-related data to the press and giving press releases that publicly destroyed suspects’ reputation, whereas they were presented as guilty of various criminal offences before a court had ruled to this effect;
-sending the special forces to bring the suspects to the prosecutor’s office and forcing such persons to walk handcuffed in front of the tipped-off media, which is an affront to human dignity. Elderly persons or pregnant women were repeatedly brought by the special forces and handcuffed without any justification;
-lengthy hearings without allowing the suspects to eat or take their medicines when they were sick;
-hearings with the handcuffs on the table, under threat of being arrested unless they admitted to the crimes;
-investigation of suspects’ relatives (particularly spouses and children) summoned for investigations separately, so as to make them have a nervous breakdown and threatening them that they would have the same fate as the suspect;
-sexual harassment;
-searches with the destruction of goods and by seizing personal goods (family photos, etc.) or companies’ documents to block the activity of such companies;
-garnishments unreasonably established on companies’ accounts, causing the destruction of businesses and unemployment;
-determining the suspects, under pressure and threats, to denounce anyone under threat of arrest or under promise of release from arrest or lessening of punishment if they cooperated;
denunciation became, in most cases, the key evidence, along with unappraisable fragments of wiretapping records. The practice of catching someone in flagrante has disappeared from almost all the cases and has been replaced by denunciations extorted from persons who were not free (i.e., arrested or threatened with arrest);
-vexatious opposition in court and abuse of rights in appealing the decisions of the penitentiary commissions on the proposals for release on parole, so that the convicted persons would not benefit of the months deducted under the law from their punishment for exemplary conduct during detention. There have been cases of convicts in the terminal stage of incurable diseases who were not allowed to die at home, in the name of this inane anticorruption fight. The most revolting case was that of billionaire Dan Adamescu who was not allowed to undergo surgery and died on 24 January 2017, determining his relatives to sue Romania before ICSID – New York;
-fabrication of evidence, particularly distorting the meaning of the transcripts of the wiretapping records used by the accusation. In the court hearings, in many cases the transcripts proved not to comply with the audio files; or hiding favourable wiretapping records;
-placing the cases to judges who were part of the system, particularly submitting to the court the motions with proposals for preventive arrest on the days when judges with whom agreements had been formed were sitting;
-using DNA specialists to determine imaginary damages, in the absence of independent forensic appraisals and suing the suspects without allowing them to submit their own forensic appraisals, mostly in cases of abuse of public office, which is a result crime;