Most recent upload to Suspicious Observers is titled:
"They are hiding the sun"
Mr. Davidson(sp) has been a good source of information regarding our sun and the global electric circuit.
The most recent upload is suspect imo. Here is why:
Normally "Ben" as normal viewers know him by has a very peculiar change in his voice today. He sounds as if he is trying to be English. His normal delivery also never includes the phrase "Yes, Yes, Yes…I know. Certainly not in a pseudo-english accent.
This is important because I, along with others have spent some time this week pointing people to the site Suspicious Observers. I have stated that Ben is legit. I am questioning this now.
We have that and now this very peculiar change.
Something is VERY SUSPICIOUS with Suspicious Observers today. Unless Ben has some unknown health issue or vocal problem it does not sound like him.
Normal viewers on that YT channel….WHAT DO YOU THINK?