Hal Turner still in notable.
BO please check shill baker
Hal Turner still in notable.
BO please check shill baker
Certainly possible the baker is a newfag unaware of Hal Turners history
Removing HT's horseshit from notables would indicate that.
Okeefe is paytriot.
Doesnt make his info wrong
But he promotes like Hannity
And the rest
Right after this commercial
We will flick a booger at the wall
Is their money grub style.
Thats 3d life; for now.
Hal Turner, you know, the guy from Q research notables?
My client was trained by the FBI as an agent provocateur. He was told where the line was β what he could say. His job was basically to publish information which would cause other parties to act in a manner which would lead to their arrest
βHal Turner's lawyer Orozco in court [1]
βI want you to understand how ridiculous it was for me to even be accused of being an FBI informant, and how hurtful and devastating it was for me when people on my own side actually believed that bullshit.
β Hal Turner's response to accusation on VNNforum
Hal Turner even lies like a shill