Anonymous ID: 54462e Sept. 15, 2018, 11:27 a.m. No.3034695   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Monday, 9/17, is Constitution Day. "There is reason to take heart this Constitution Day. The frenzy against President Trump is probably a contrary indicator, with the panic getting more animated and louder as the day of legal reckoning gets closer.

Constitution Day, the Most Important Commemoration of 2018

By Scott Powell —— Bio and Archives–September 14, 2018

Canada Free Press



Constitution Day, which falls on September 17, is the national observance holiday that most Americans have never heard of. Yet this year, 2018, it may well be our most important holiday. For the Constitution is threatened more now than at any time since seven southern states seceded from Union and Civil War broke out on April 12, 1861.

To understand the present peril, it’s worth going back in time to appreciate how the Constitution was conceived as both the founding and governing instrument for the United States."

See remainder of this announcement here: