Anonymous ID: 83087c Sept. 15, 2018, 11:48 a.m. No.3034944   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4979 >>5016 >>5036 >>5056 >>5325

>>3032314 (Notable)


Please ignore this ignorant notable. Tunnels should NOT be the focus of digs. "Underground tunnel" does not always equal underground child sex trafficking ring. My family worked in the Mills for generations. I live in one of the towns hit by the gas attacks. I don't know if this notable is shill fuckery or just an ignorant anon. Please ignore the tunnel aspect of this story. Sometimes underground tunnels are the best way of getting from point A to point B.


This event was a significant false flag attack and needs to be taken seriously. Digging should be in these areas:


-Columbia Gas (especially connections to Clowns/Security contractors/black ops personnel)

-Nature of gas explosions

-The Clowns' history of similar gas attacks in other countries

-The deep state coverup (there's not nearly as much hard evidence as in the Vegas shootings)