Anonymous ID: 906b78 Sept. 15, 2018, 11:41 a.m. No.3034841   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4987 >>5027

Bit of a concensus question.


In the spirit of national preparedness day (whenever that is), what say thou. Should the empire strike back, on chan, and CM and team has no way to turn the lights back on, where is everybody bringing their bug-out bag?


I'm thinking it has to be a site on an altogether hosting domain the black hats haven't hit. That guy who started the #WalkAway was busy planning a gathering/march, the cabal felt very threatened by it, and I'm interested how they, or if they, have been able to regroup. The mods are banning plebbit threads, twatter was heavily shadow banning, cuckberg and farcebook are comped, and gaggle will modify search results if we're dispersed. To my eyes, their corralling us to one 'safe space' where they can hit, which is here.


Sorry, I never got the memo and the bread's crust has grown too big for me to read. That said, any thoughts anons? Are we headed to Mount Shasta with Dave?

Anonymous ID: 906b78 Sept. 15, 2018, 11:52 a.m. No.3034987   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I'm well versed with the first rule of fight club, but I think even a vague hint would suffice, that is, if anyone's actually given this any thought. Mirrors for Q crumbs and other resources I'm familiar with….they will be of no use if the boat starts taking on too much water.

Anonymous ID: 906b78 Sept. 15, 2018, 12:11 p.m. No.3035236   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Cheer anon. Grabbed pic, I'll need to learn dw skills though. Thanks for the reply…was starting to feel like I was getting the aflb treatment (I know he-she is here screaming at the moment).


Hope your reply helps some lurkers. Been around since last November and I've really never seen my Question asked/addressed (perhaps I was at work or sleeping?). Again, thanks for caring enough to take the time to help. All the best to you and yours.