Anonymous ID: c1b682 Sept. 15, 2018, 11:29 a.m. No.3034717   🗄️.is 🔗kun





Then use the link below to download our work!




Understand this is NOT a chat room, lurk for a few ~~weeks~~ MONTHS AT LEAST before posting and MAKE SURE YOU HAVE READ OUR WORK, watch how the board operates, learn our comms, use discernment to evaluate who is friend or foe and learn how shills operate!






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We hunt pedophiles. Illegal content is posted by bad actors board mods remove and block but some ip hop, this is a constant battle as the powers that be do not want the TRUTH getting out.




Attacks on this post demonstrate the above line!

Anonymous ID: c1b682 Sept. 15, 2018, 11:30 a.m. No.3034724   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4775





Only marxist nonsense has convinced you that it's okay to enter someone else's space and immediately start demanding they rearrange the furniture to suit you. Be gracious, and recognize you have a lot to learn. LURK! That means read, and read, and read, and don't post until you have good reason to think some people on here might actually wish to read your hot take or lulzy meme. If you aren't contributing in a meaningful way, reconsider your post. If your early attempts don’t get recognition, or get newfag/shill smack-downs, take the note and go back to lurking. Most important, keep up on the notables, read all old crumbs, and post diggs of new research not already discussed on the boards. TThe chit-chat is for anons that have already earned that status via diggs. If that sounds like a lot of work before you get any feels of recognition, welcome to the world where not everyone gets a fucking participation trophy. You'll be glad you joined up though, because when you finally do have something to add, everyone here knows: earned comfy is best comfy.

Anonymous ID: c1b682 Sept. 15, 2018, 11:41 a.m. No.3034852   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4889 >>4893 >>5083 >>5300 >>5366



This is a long read but does explain the Turkish issue! This is to in depth to be posted with the Syria update.


Turkish Strategy In Northern Syria: Military Operations, Turkish-backed Groups And Idlib Issue



In order to understand Turkey’s approach toward the conflict in Syria, one first needs to explain the military situation there as of September 2018.


There are localized clashes between militant groups led by Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (formerly Jabhat al-Nusra, the Syrian branch of al-Qaeda) and the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) in northern Latakia and southern Idlib. The Syrian Arab Air Force and the Russian Aerospace Forces are carrying out strikes on weapon depots, equipment and UAV workshops and key facilities belonging to militants in southern and southwestern Idlib.


These as well as deployment of additional SAA units at the contact line between the militant-held and government-held areas are described by pro-militant sources as clear sings of the upcoming SAA operation to defeat Hayat Tahrir al-Sham and other al-Qaeda-like factions there.


In Suweida and Rif Dimashq, the SAA is still working to eliminate ISIS cells operating in the desert area. Separate ISIS attacks on the SAA and the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) happen time to time.


In those parts of Raqqa and Deir Ezzor provinces, which are controlled by the Kurdish-dominated SDF, the health care system has been totally destroyed, and no effort is being made to restore major infrastructure. Many of the areas under SDF control suffer from epidemics due to the shortage of clean water, and nearly total absence of medical services. The situation particularly bad, when it comes to restoring normal life and services. Local authorities, who should be involved in these matters, are mainly concerned with their own well-being. Kurdish leaders still view their main task as the creation of an independent enclave and later their own state in these territories. This is why their main concern is to keep the political and military dominance in the Arab-populated area.


Negotiations between Damascus and the Kurds are continuing at a slow pace. The Kurdish political leadership are seeking to get concessions from Damascus, for example some kind of federation within Syria.


Afrin, controlled by the Turkish Armed Forces (TAF) and Ankara proxies, is experiencing low-intensity guerilla war. Cells of the Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG) regularly carry out bombings and run attacks on Turkey-led forces.


The TAF has introduced additional security measures, increased the number of UAVs deployed and imposed practice of burning plots close to cities to react to YPG raids more quickly. However, the YPG continues a limited partisan war in Afrin, but without having sufficient forces to return it to own control.


At the regional level, Ankara wants to position itself as the most important player in the matter of resolving the Syrian crisis. Turkey is actively supporting only those formations in Syria, which are loyal to and affiliated with it. The purpose is to turn Syria into a country loyal to Turkey, to neutralize Kurdish armed formations, to replace the Assad government, and to create a reliable pathway for energy supplies, especially oil, to Turkey. To achieve these goals, Ankara is using the rhetoric of counter-terrorism, though in reality it will support any organization ready to help to achieve its goals.


On the local level, Turkey’s goals and tasks consist of two parts:



Anonymous ID: c1b682 Sept. 15, 2018, 11:47 a.m. No.3034925   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5083 >>5300 >>5366







In the last decade, Turkey’s foreign policy underwent significant changes which transformed its theoretical and practical foundations. The term “neo-Ottomanism” was launched in the context of Turkey’s expanding international activities in the scientific and political realm. While the international community interprets it in a number of ways, it does contain a clear ideological component. Moreover, neo-Ottomanism is the most appropriate term to describe Turkey’s foreign policy ideology and actions. Ankara seeks to become a world power, and that goal drives its activities, particularly concerning the Arab Spring and the war in Syria.


There are many potential clashes of interests between Turkey and Syria, including the Kurdish issue, mutual territorial claims, and ideological and political incompatibility. Since the very start of the protests in Syria, Turkey has rendered and continues to render help to the armed groups and political opposition. Moreover, the bilateral relations are made more complicated by the Euphrates river (nearly half the water is taken by Turkey which deprives countries downstream of water), the looting of industrial enterprises of the manufacturing center of Syria – Aleppo (equipment from nearly 1,000 factories were transported to Turkey). Ankara still believes Assad ought to leave his post, although in the last year its rhetoric concerning Assad’s legitimacy has softened. This was due to the growth of Russian influence on the theater of operations, military defeat suffered by several groups backed by Turkey, and also by the political and economic pressure exerted by Moscow after the Su-24 incident. This shaped Turkish policy toward Syria.


In the best outcome scenario for Syria, Iran, and Russia, Turkey would not plan to annex the Syrian territory it controls in the north of the country in order to avoid a negative reaction from these three states. These territories may be used as bargaining chips in order to gain preferential treatment for work in post-war Syria, thus expanding and strengthening its sphere of influence in that country and strengthening Turkey as a regional power. It’s possible that the Syrian border territories will see something akin to a trans-border protectorate, without redrawing national boundaries. Turkey has already transformed the agglomeration of its proxies into something like a unified opposition, with whom Ankara imagines Assad will discuss the future of Syria, thus giving it a place in the war-destroyed country and thus ensuring Turkey’s interests are safeguarded.


In the contemporary military and diplomatic reality surrounding the Syrian crisis, Ankara is pursuing the following tactical goals:


To eliminate or at least disarm and limit influence of US-backed Kurdish armed groups in northern Syria;

To strengthen a united pro-Turkish opposition Idlib and to eliminate any resistance to it, including in some scenarios the elimination of Hayat Tahrir al-Sham and its allies;

To facilitate return of refugees from Turkey to Syrian areas under its own control;


If these goals are achieved, Ankara will significantly increase its influence on the diplomatic settlement of the crisis and on the future of the post-war Syria. The returned refugees and supporters of militant groups in the Turkish-controlled part of Syria will become an electoral base of pro-Turkish political figures and parties in case of the implementation of the peaceful scenario. If no wide-scale diplomatic deal on the conflict is reached, one must consider the possibility of a pro-Turkish quasi-state in northern Syria, confirming the thesis that Erdogan is seeking to build a neo-Ottoman empire.

Anonymous ID: c1b682 Sept. 15, 2018, 11:51 a.m. No.3034983   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4995 >>5007 >>5061 >>5092

Salvini: ‘We Need to Help Italians Have More Children, Not Bring Africans to Replace the Children We’re Not Having’


Italy’s Matteo Salvini infuriated the EU’s most senior foreign minister by declaring that Italy needs more children, not more Africans “to replace the children we’re not having”.


Speaking at a conference on the European migrant crisis in Vienna, the dynamic League (Lega) leader, who became Italy’s deputy prime minister and minister of the interior after anti-establishment populists triumphed at the polls in the recent elections, said he disagreed with EU politicians “[who] say that we need immigration because the population of Europe is getting older”.


“I have a completely different viewpoint,” he said. “I believe that I’m in government in order to see that our young people have the number of children that they used to a few years ago, and not to transplant the best of Africa’s youth to Europe.”


Salvini’s remarks flustered nearby Jean Asselborn, who muttered “blah, blah, blah” while the Italian was speaking.


The 69-year-old Luxembourger, who is the EU’s longest-serving foreign minister — having been in post since 2004 — has previously complained that anti-mass migration parties which want to “protect Christianity” and refuse to “open the door” to Arabic-speaking Muslim migrants will “destroy Europe” with their strong border policies.


Salvini merely used the opportunity to goad the EU loyalist, however, adding: “Maybe in Luxembourg they need to do this, but in Italy we need to help people have more children, rather than bring in modern-day slaves [from Africa] to replace the children we’re not having.”


Salvini’s remarks prompted an explosion of anger from Asselborn, who raged: “In Luxembourg, sir, we have welcomed thousands of Italians who came to work in our country, as migrants, so that you in Italy had money for your children!”


Unable to contain himself, he then added “Merde, alors” — meaning “then shit”.


The outburst is just the latest example of the EU old guard’s growing discomfiture as anti-mass migration, pro-sovereignty parties rise up and even enter government in countries such as Austria, Italy, Hungary, and Poland, rendering the globalist consensus in Europe increasingly fragile.


Salvini, for his part, was happy to share the Luxembourger’s meltdown with his substantial social media following, and dismissed his city-state home country as “a tax haven that cannot give lessons to Italy”.

Anonymous ID: c1b682 Sept. 15, 2018, 11:54 a.m. No.3035017   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5083 >>5300 >>5366

Five Star Movement Proposes Stripping Mainstream Media’s Public Funding


The Italian anti-establishment Five Star Movement have set their sights on the mainstream media, proposing to cut public funding to various outlets and create a new Netflix-like subscription service to give Italians access to all newspapers.


The proposal is being championed by Five Star Movement politician Vito Crimi, who specifically targetted former Italian prime minister and media baron Silvio Berlusconi, leader of the Forza Italia party, declaring that “for Silvio Berlusconi, the easy ride is over,” Il Giornale reports.


“We are not against the newspapers,” Crimi said, adding: “we only want to remove public funds for publishing, not to eliminate the fund for pluralism.”


According to Crimi, Italian publishers have received as much as three billion euros from the taxpayer since 2003, and he claims they have done little in return for it.


While removing public funding may cost newspapers across the country, Crimi said he was also interested in putting a cap on television advertising, in the hope that advertising money would be redistributed among television and print media.


Italian Minister of Economic Development and M5S leader Luigi Di Maio also attacked the mainstream media this week, saying he gets all of his news online through social media and adding that comments on his Facebook and Instagram pages “are worth much more than all the editorials of the day.”


“To inform myself, I do not read Italian newspapers, they only propagandise. I read specialised articles, foreign newspapers, bloggers, dossiers to inform myself about the problems related to my activity as a minister,” Di Maio said.


“Once, the newspapers were a cross-section of public opinion, they had a bit of the popular feeling that was breathed in the streets and bars. This component has been lost and it is for this reason that they lose sales,” he added.


Trust in the mainstream media and the “system” in general has declined in Italy in recent years, with polling data from this year revealing that only 45 percent trusted the mainstream media.


The figures have been similar in other countries like Sweden where a survey in 2016 found that that up to half of respondents avoided mainstream media entirely and got their news from alternative news outlets online.


Sweden’s leftist government has taken the opposite approach to the Five Star Movement, however, having created a multi-million kronor fund to give to mainstream outlets to fight “fake news.”

Anonymous ID: c1b682 Sept. 15, 2018, 11:57 a.m. No.3035062   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5076 >>5083 >>5115 >>5300 >>5366

Japan has the lowest infant mortality rate following ban on mandatory vaccinations


Fact: Japan has the lowest infant mortality rate following ban on mandatory vaccinations, they urge other countries to follow this firm stance




The citizens of Japan are statistically proven to be the healthiest and longest-living people in the world. The country also has the lowest infant mortality rate on the planet.


It may come as no surprise to many that the Japanese Government banned a number of vaccines that are currently mandatory in the United States and has strict regulations in place for other Big Pharma drugs and vaccines in general.


Japan’s anti-vax policies have long been criticised by vaccine pushers in the US who claim that vaccinating the public “promotes health.”


However, Japanese people live longer, healthier lives than Americans, with babies born in the US twice as likely to die in infancy than those born in Japan.


It’s clear to see that Western nations have a lot to learn from the Japanese when it comes to their approach to vaccinations and issues facing public health.


Twice as many infants die in America than in Japan


What Many Parents don’t know about the MMR Vaccine is the list of adverse reactions to the MMR vaccine, straight from Merck’s vaccine package inserts, is long and alarming. A shortened version of the vaccine damage associated with the MMR vaccine includes: vomiting, diarrhoea, anaphylaxis, ear pain, nerve deafness, diabetes, arthritis, myalgia, encephalitis, febrile seizures, pneumonia, and death.


A search of the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) database shows the following statistics from the United States: Over 75,000 adverse events have been reported from any combination of measles, mumps and rubella vaccines, including, most notably:


78 confirmed deaths

85 confirmed cases of deafness

48 confirmed cases of decreased eye contact

92 confirmed cases of developmental delay

855 confirmed reported cases of autism

116 confirmed cases of intellectual disability

401 reports of speech disorders

276 reports of loss of consciousness

143 confirmed cases of encephalitis

74 confirmed cases of meningitis

111 confirmed cases of Guillain-Barré syndrome

692 confirmed cases of gait disturbance (not being able to walk normally)

748 confirmed cases of hypokinesia (partial or complete loss of muscle movement)

653 reports of hypotonia (poor muscle tone)

4874 reports of seizures, including febrile convulsions and tonic-clonic seizures

1576 cases of cellulitis (a potentially serious skin infection) And finally, in some cases, the vaccine has caused the very diseases it is supposed to prevent, with the following data reported to VAERS:

147 confirmed cases of measles

384 confirmed cases of mumps

29 confirmed cases of rubella


Anonymous ID: c1b682 Sept. 15, 2018, 12:08 p.m. No.3035204   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Finland Interior Minister: More Police in Suburbs to Stop Sweden-style ‘Culture of Violence’ Taking Root


Finland’s interior minister has proposed a greater police presence in migrant-populated suburbs in order to avoid the problems neighbouring Sweden has faced in recent years.


Interior Minister Kai Mykkänen has said that he wants to beef up the number of police in suburbs and have them work with social services to avoid the potential buildup of criminal gangs in areas with high populations of migrant-background residents, Finnish public broadcaster Yle reports.


According to Mykkänen, a similar programme has been implemented in the Varissuo suburb of the city of Turku and has seen a large degree of success. He noted that the co-operation between police and local social workers allowed them to tackle problems with young migrant-background individuals as they happened.


Mykkänen said that around 96 criminal gangs currently operate in Finland with the largest being motorcycle gangs. “It is largely international motorcycle gangs that are primarily concerned with drug trafficking, and that trade is increasing,” he said.


“In Swedish suburbs, we see a worse culture of violence linked to drug trafficking and robberies, with a wide recruitment of vulnerable young people,” he said.


“There is a risk that we have a similar situation in Finland in ten years.”


Organised criminal gangs, many of which operate in heavily migrant populated no-go “vulnerable areas”, became one of the focal issues of the Swedish national election that took place earlier this month.


Fatal shootings have increased over the last decade, with many, including a mass shooting in Malmo earlier this year, being blamed on organised criminal gangs.


The violence has led to Sweden becoming one of the top markets in Europe for illegal weapons from the Balkans, according to Bosnian prosecutor Goran Glamocanin, who said: “The Swedish market is the most attractive in Europe. It is because of the high demand.”


Hand grenades have also become a weapon of choice for criminal gangs, and according to police officer Gunnar Appelgren, the co-ordinator of the Stockholm police force’s gang conflict programme, such weapons are easy to procure on the streets.

Anonymous ID: c1b682 Sept. 15, 2018, 12:10 p.m. No.3035221   🗄️.is 🔗kun

African Swine Fever Outbreak Threatens Western EU Farms With Huge Losses


The highly contagious disease, which has severely afflicted the agriculture business in Eastern Europe over the last several years, has now been found in the western parts of the EU, potentially threatening a ban on meat exports being imposed on local firms.


At least two cases of African swine fever (ASF) have been registered in Belgium, as pigs infected with the virus have been found there. It is unclear so far how the disease made its way to Western Europe, after having hurt the agricultural sector in the eastern part of the EU.


The ASF virus poses little threat to humans, but is deadly for pig populations on farms and, since to it is highly contagious, could lead to mass culling of pigs and boars in the region to prevent the disease from spreading. In Romania alone it cost local farms 230,000 pigs, bringing huge losses, according to some estimates reaching almost $12 million. Moreover, the virus outbreak could prompt the government to impose a ban on pork exports, further increasing losses for the agricultural sector, even for farms that are unaffected.


Neighboring France's Ministry of Agriculture has issued a caution as to how the disease is spread and promised that the government would give a proper response to the threat to the country's agricultural sector. France's agriculture minister also called for tightened controls over farms that neighbor affected regions in Belgium and for restrictions on hunting.

Anonymous ID: c1b682 Sept. 15, 2018, 12:13 p.m. No.3035262   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5398



Exclusive — Donald Trump Jr. to Obama: ‘Abracadabra!’ My Dad Fixed the Economy You Could Not


Donald Trump Jr. told Breitbart News Saturday he is thrilled that former President Barack Obama is active on the 2018 midterm campaign trail because it shows a clear contrast between Obama’s failed policies and his father, President Donald Trump’s, successful policies.


“Without question, he’s our best salesman,” Trump Jr. said of Obama on Breitbart News Saturday on SiriusXM 125 the Patriot Channel. “No one with a brain actually believes he did anything good for our economy or for our foreign policy. Everyone saw that anything he did basically put America at risk and made us weaker. Every time he drew a red line, other countries walked all over it. He did it again, and they walked all over it. Guess what? Countries, whether it’s foreign policy-wise or whether it’s business-wise, they realize you have someone now that actually cares about America in there, that’s actually doing it–not someone who’s going to make us look weak where you can walk all over us because that’s the precedent that he set. There’s a new sheriff in town. We’ve changed all that.”


Trump Jr. also mocked Obama’s efforts in a series of recent speeches to take credit for the successful Trump economy.


“The biggest joke I’ve seen in the last two years is Obama claiming credit–trying to claim this economy,” Trump Jr. said, “because his policies of over-taxation, oppressive regulation, guess what? That didn’t do anything. That drove this country into the ground. That led to the worst recovery in the history of probably economics but certainly our country’s history. For him to run around doing this now–there’s a reason why on November 9, 2016, all of those matrices shot up like a rocket. It’s because businesses, employers, people realized you got someone who’s actually going to fight for you, not fight just for special interests, not fight for people in countries that hate our guts, but actually fight for real Americans. Real Americans, their jobs, their companies, their businesses. That’s what happened, and when consumer confidence started going up the day my father won because they knew he wasn’t going to oppress them, everything started following. I want to keep that going; that’s how we get rid of some of the other problems we’re having. That’s how we get rid of unfunded pension liability. That’s how we get rid of some of our deficits, is by producing, having GDP numbers above four percent. Okay, remember when Obama said you need a magic wand to make that happen? Well, abracadabra, Obama. We’re doing it.”


The “abracadabra” and “magic wand” reference Trump Jr. made was in response to Obama infamously questioning in 2016 if Trump had a “magic wand” to fix the economy to fulfill the promises he was making:


Trump Jr. also said that failed 2016 Democrat presidential nominee Hillary Rodham Clinton’s public appearances–as she intends to do multiple Democratic National Committee (DNC) fundraisers in the coming weeks–are great for the GOP.


“That’s the other one; I love for her to be out there,” Trump Jr. said of Clinton. “The more she’s out there, the better it is for us.”