Anonymous ID: 04027a Sept. 15, 2018, 1:42 p.m. No.3036263   🗄️.is 🔗kun





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Anonymous ID: 04027a Sept. 15, 2018, 1:52 p.m. No.3036411   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6431 >>6480 >>6662 >>6875 >>6945

General Mike Flynn Delivers Remarks at Gateway Eagle Council XLVII in St. Louis


On Friday night General Michael Flynn was awarded the General Singlaub Award at the Phyllis Schlafly Gateway Eagle Council XLVII in St. Louis, Missouri.


General Flynn was a top Donald Trump supporter and would introduce Donald Trump at dozens of rallies. Flynn had not made any public comments for the past year.


Flynn’s Catholic mother was a friend and associate of Phyllis Schlafly for several years. General Flynn told the crowd he would ride on the pro-life float in Rhode Island parade and leftists would hurl water at him as the float went down the street.


The speech was broadcast on CSPAN and ABC News.


General Flynn brought his family with him and was introduced by his son, Michael Flynn, Jr.

Ed Martin, the President of Eagle Forum, introduced General Flynn at the Friday banquet.


General Flynn delivered a wonderful speech.

The Gateway Eagle Council crowd was thrilled to hear Michael Flynn in St. Louis.

Anonymous ID: 04027a Sept. 15, 2018, 1:56 p.m. No.3036471   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6662 >>6875 >>6945

Trump to Announce $200 Billion China Import Tariffs on Monday - Reports


US President Donald Trump mulls announcing new levies of about $200 billion on Chinese imports as early as Monday, US Media reported Saturday.


The new tariff level will likely be about 10 percent, below the 25 percent announced when the Trump administration first said it was considering this round of tariffs, the Wall Street Journal said, citing sources familiar with the matter.


On Thursday, Donald Trump said the United States is not in a rush to strike a trade deal with China. The US president denounced a Wednesday article in The Wall Street Journal that said Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin has reached out to senior Chinese officials offering another round of trade talks.


Trump also said that the US economy is continuing to grow, while the Chinese markets are falling. Trump noted the United States would soon bring billions of dollars back into the country as the result of his tariff policies.


Moreover, Trump promised last week that these levy measures would not be the last ones, arguing that China has not given up its unfair trade practices.


The China-US trade tensions sharply escalated in March, after Trump announced import duties on steel and aluminum. Since then, Washington and Beijing exchanged several rounds of tit-for-tat tariffs, with bilateral trade consultations failing to yield results.


Meanwhile, CNBC reported Tuesday that Beijing has been seeking permission from the World Trade Organization (WTO) to impose sanctions on the United States, In particular, China’s request is scheduled to be heard at a special meeting of the WTO’s dispute settlement body next week.


Beijing cited in the request Washington’s non-compliance with a ruling over US dumping duties and could lead to years of legal wrangling.


In addition, Beijing has repeatedly vowed to retaliate if the United States takes any new steps to impose tariffs.

Anonymous ID: 04027a Sept. 15, 2018, 2:15 p.m. No.3036735   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6875 >>6945

Turkish State TV: 'White Genocide' In South Africa Is A 'Myth' Of The 'Far-Right'


Turkish state broadcaster TRT World released a video last week stating "white genocide" is a "myth" and there's "no reliable data to suggest white farmers are being targeted" in South Africa.


"The story of white genocide is actually a myth," TRT World says. "South Africa has one of the highest murder rates in the world. Its government says that the farm attacks are just part of a greater violent crime problem and there's no reliable data to suggest that white farmers are targeted more than anyone else."


"So, while white farmers have historically been the victims of attacks and while the murders have been brutal it's not clear that they are racially motivated," TRT World says.


The video ignored the fact the South African government is currently moving to amend the constitution in order to "legally" seize white farmers' land without compensation.


As reported in May, based off data from the Transvaal Agricultural Union you're "looking at an overall murder rate for the white farming population of around 51,2 per 100 000 (1.6 times the national average) and of “white farmers” alone of around 108 per 100 000 (3.2 times the national average.)"


Incidentally, the Turkish government also denies the Armenian genocide, the Greek genocide and the Assyrian genocide – all of which were carried out by Turks under the Ottoman Empire.

Anonymous ID: 04027a Sept. 15, 2018, 2:18 p.m. No.3036790   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6831

Narrative Collapse: Mueller Probe Reveals Manafort Was Lobbying Against Russia


Paul Manafort was lobbying against Russian interests in Ukraine – not for them as Rachel Maddow and others have been claiming for months – according to new documents released from special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation.


Maté wrote Friday in The Nation:


It is often speculated that Manafort's Ukraine stint is relevant to a Trump-Russia conspiracy plot because, the theory goes, he served Kremlin interests during his time there. The opposite is the case, as Manafort's former partner-turned-prosecution-witness, Rick Gates, reaffirmed during trial. Gates testified that Manafort pushed his client, then–Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych, to align with the European Union and away from Russia. According to Gates, Manafort was paid lucratively to craft a policy known as "Engage Ukraine," which "became the strategy for helping Ukraine enter the European Union." Given that the tug-of-war between Russia and the EU (with US backing) over Ukraine sparked a full-blown international crisis and a new Cold War, Manafort's strategy would be an odd one for a supposed Kremlin stooge.


Putting aside Manafort's record in Ukraine, there have been attempts to tie him to a potential Russia conspiracy via his financial debts to Russian tycoon Oleg Deripaska. During the campaign, Manafort wrote to an associate about leveraging his position in the Trump camp in order to "get whole" with Deripaska, even suggesting that he offer "private briefings." Could this have been, pundits suggest, where a collusion plot was hatched?


Deripaska denies ever having been offered private briefings by Manafort. Another impediment to tying Deripaska to a Trump-Russia collusion plot is that Deripaska has connections to the figure arguably most responsible for the allegations of collusion. Christopher Steele, the former British intelligence agent whose DNC-funded "dossier" alleged a longstanding Trump-Kremlin conspiracy, has served as an intermediary for contacts between Deripaska and US officials. Deripaska even has a link to Mueller and the federal agency he once headed. In 2009, when Mueller was in charge of the FBI, Deripaska ponied up millions of dollars for a secret effort to rescue a captured CIA operative, Robert Levinson, in Iran. In return, the FBI–with the encouragement of Steele–helped secure a visa for Deripaska, who had been banned from the United States for alleged ties to Russian organized crime. In short, Deripaska's various contacts make plain that Manafort's financial ties to him, illicit or not, do not necessarily lead to a Kremlin conspiracy.


Most critically, Mueller has yet to allege one. Prosecutors openly acknowledged before Manafort's first trial that the case had nothing to do with "evidence or argument concerning collusion with the Russian government," while the judge in Manafort's upcoming second trial notes that the collusion investigation is "wholly irrelevant to the charges in this case."


The same could be said for all of the other charges in the Mueller investigation to date.


No doubt Rachel Maddow, Chris Hayes and the rest of the fake news media will be issuing formal retractions any day now!