Was reading through the Letter to Gratitude bread, and someone (either Q team or another anon) with the following statement " Self must die so that others live, as demonstrated by JA, SR, and, above all, our Creator."
So does this mean JA, whom by the initials must be Julian Assange, is dead? Because the SR and JC are dead.
Has there been confirmatory evidence that Julian Assange has died? I know there hasn't been a sighting of him in a very long time.
And if Julian Assange is dead, can we assume the following?
Q Team knows he is dead. If this statement is true, then,
Q Team knows who 187'ed JA. If this statement is true. If these these two statements are true, then the following questions can be asked?
Why hasn't it been leaked by either Q Team or the Deep State?
If not leaked, why? What are they waiting for?
What else did JA have on the Deep State? I thought he had a file that would be released in case of his demise.
Has the JA's secret file been released?
And if JA's file has not been released, does Q Team have it?
If the Deep State did take Julian Assange out, this makes very angry! The murderers and the people who gave the order must be brought to justice.
Julian Assange would be a martyr if news of his death came out. He deserves it. Whatever his reasons were for what he did, he did not deserve to be murdered.