Anonymous ID: 5765e9 Sept. 15, 2018, 2:46 p.m. No.3037079   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Sorry for the slide…and there will certainly be a karmic debt on my end for the post. That said, I finally surfaced to browse some fake news legacy sites, both major tabloids and 'Pulitzer-Prize Award' winning newspapers, when a pop-up add appeared on one of the latter.


I guess it's me, but I've never understood 'modern' dance (really any at all). This is an award-winning LA based duo, I guess on tour. Glowing praise from such hard-hitting outlets as huff-post. Again, it's probably just my imagination run amok again, but I simply don't get it (pics related). Dance troupe website below for anyone interested.



Anonymous ID: 5765e9 Sept. 15, 2018, 3:15 p.m. No.3037385   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7425

Can't wait for James O'Keefe (sic?) Project Veritas rollout next week. That said I hope he's one of the protected Q has alluded to because of the awful history of major journalists who have announced an imminent expose.


Can't wait. I'm sure it will be a BOOMing change in narrative. My G-d, I actually watched the clip of sleepy eyed chuck interviewing felicia, I mean omarossa. She obviously didn't get the memo…President Trump's policies are so harmful to minority communities that it's resulted in historic levels of unemployment. Anyone know? Is her 'third' book already on the remainder table?


How utterly desperate they are to find something to stick. Muh manafort muh woodward muh stormy muh cohen muh avenatti.


Can you imagine how hard they would try to glorify bho, the fraud, if this hurricane relief effort were on his watch? Yet heinz kerry pretends there's too much coverage. Hey John, where were you during the Puerto Rico coverage? I'm guessing violating the Logan Act, wheeling and dealing with theresa's good friends in the middle east.


President Trump's handling of the economy is so bad that bho feels the need to take credit for it. This shit is utterly pathetic.


Let the tapes roll James, let em roll!

…and stay safe.

Anonymous ID: 5765e9 Sept. 15, 2018, 3:33 p.m. No.3037566   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7569


Tabletfagging here so hard to run your theory. That said, to me your post comes off as a high-IQ, well-researched and well-written post. I read enough garbage to usually tell the difference between the two.


Nice meme too (thanks, now part of my collection). Well done anon, well done.

Anonymous ID: 5765e9 Sept. 15, 2018, 3:45 p.m. No.3037694   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7718


Um, he serves at the pleasure of our President, who wanted his advice and counsel. Don't get me wrong, you obviously know more and are more capable than President Trump, his Administration and team.


Gee-wiz, that shareblue software is pretty advanced…think your reply posted before my comment.


Nice tiny dickmunch but I'm well-versed in CoinTelPro techniques. Hopefully your weak 'first' reply doesn't poison the well as you intended.


Please, tell Brennan and his butt-boy Brock to send in the reinforcements. Pack your bags son, short-bus arrives in five minutes.

Anonymous ID: 5765e9 Sept. 15, 2018, 3:54 p.m. No.3037819   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I'll have you know I graduated first in my SEAL sniper class!…………….


Tell me 'triggered' friend, have you ever danced with the devil by the pale moon light? Understand my good friend, "you may operate in the dark but I was born in it."


Please try again later…after you've calmed down a bit.