Anonymous ID: ceb04e EBS and EAS Sept. 19, 2018, 4:42 p.m. No.3093062   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5262

Three days later, and the computer techs still can't figure out what happened to my hard drive…

Yesterday, it dawned on me that the EBS/EAS is only effective if the Fake News and phone companies airs the POTUS alerts, so it would be incredibly important to try to get as many people as possible to download the FEMA app. I think we need to get memes to trend, ASAP, not just for POTUS, but for hurricane-prone areas, earthquakes, tornadoes, floods…

I think we need to convince everyone that they need to download the FEMA app to their cell immediately!

Hopefully y'all can get some memes going, but since I can't make memes on my phone, I've started sending the following info to friends and family:


To make sure you receive the FEMA EAS alert on your phone, you can download the FEMA link in the following article regarding the 20 Sep 2018 (3 Oct 2018 backup date) EAS test.


°°°°° (Be sure to open the app and add your county and surrounding counties to receive alerts, then share this site with your friends and loved ones.)