know what i like about shills and reddit newfags?
logic bombs away … newfag fail incoming!
lou, the shill, has no prob in this endeavor.
the average fish iq is .000008 and a regular carp is approx .0000009 (note the extra zero - bottom dwellers aka lawyers and such)
Now a Qarp, those are extra special. Short bus extra special as a matter of fact. this fish rates a solid iq score of .5 yes, that is half way to an iq of one.
So a half wit has an iq of 1 and a complete idiot aka full wit, is 2. Lou has the fish! Yes he caught it. Lou knows how to fish… automatic iq of 50. Why? Lou can feed himself. extra points if Lou guts the fish and cooks it first! (point loss if Lou makes fish head soup with out the eyeballs)
Lou is Richard's brother. Did I ever tell you about Richard? Peas in a pod, those two. twins almost. but i digress. lou's full name is louis. That factoid right there is the only real difference between these two, Richard does not like nicknames!
the punch line… Don't be a dick !
the shits and giggles brigade says hello mr president
oh oh oh
vote republican says a medalling canuck!
now go back to voat… it is safer than full chan!