Anonymous ID: 231c1f Sept. 15, 2018, 5:39 p.m. No.3038874   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8933 >>9120


it is not meant as any disrespect.

There are many things that make no rational, logical or scientific sense.

video delay when plane hit, the way the towers fell, like a controlled explosion( the other buildings like 7, that were not on fire or hit, yet mysteriously fell down too)

No other plane crashes looked like the one that hit pentagon, or in Penn( lack of wreckage)


There is many other examples of compelling evidence that proves it was done on purpose, with help of those at the top.


People did die, no one denies that.

As to people on planes, they could have been flown somewhere and executed.

No video of the plane hitting pentagon, when there was over a dozen cameras.

And shots they did show, it looked like a missile.

We hope the truth does come out about 9/11, And justice will finally be served.

People who study, research and disagree with the official story, are patriots who love our country and only want the truth.


Obama and Hillary had something to do with the plane crash that killed the 9/11 widow who was asking questions, demanding an investigation, and the truth.