Anonymous ID: 5f048a Sept. 15, 2018, 5:49 p.m. No.3038977   🗄️.is 🔗kun

ALL pbs




FUCK YOU I'll have you know I graduated first in my navy seal class. I am an expert in 20 different martial arts and can break your neck merely by thinking of it. I've single handedly taken out battalions of ISIS and can crack a coconut in a single hand and drip the milk over your useless dick. All the lords i the world cannot compare to my might.


>The destruction will be so total.

INSTANT stone age. Instant.


>As fake as a stripper tell you she loves you.


Even THAT is more likely than CNN ever telling the truth.

Anonymous ID: 5f048a Sept. 15, 2018, 6:02 p.m. No.3039128   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Obama has had his nose pinned. Compare college negro nose to his current nose. Between he and Mike I don't know who has had the most work done…and whatever injury he had that was bad enough to create the kind of scar he has on his head…JAYSUS one guy I know has a scar like that was in the process of being axed to death in Rhodesia when they genocided the whites.


PS Obama does not have nigger lips, he has the purple lips of Indonesia. Chances are his real dad is that cult leader..the one his mom worshipped and Ms. Fuddy also belonged to. Obaba is that man's spitting image.

Anonymous ID: 5f048a Sept. 15, 2018, 6:10 p.m. No.3039259   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9293


JAYSUS what a fucking pussy. Q he whines…Q tell them tell them Q pleeaaase.


Why not study both sides of the 9/11 asshattery. The no plane tards are tards, but their observations are valid. You can't tell someone who stood on the street and heard/watched the planes come in that there were no planes. Pretty sure shanksville is a complete fuckery as is the Pentagon…but the towers? Wired, DEWS but there were planes…but the planes did not take down the towers.


So grow the fuck up, look at all sides of everything..go back and look at then the no plane tards invaded the truther movement…what happened when they did?? They got the entire movement discounted because hundreds of people saw and heard the planes hit the towers….his no planes thing is a reverse psyop to discredit the entire truther movement.


Unfortunately weaker minds are easily led…just like the KIKES run the Flat Earth shit they also run the no planes thing.


Stop being such a whiney ass pussy and go in and look at the rest of the evidence. NO fucking plane crashed into the pentagon. PERIOD. That missile was "dressed up" like a plane and debris was dropped…and if a plane made that wee hole in shanksville…we have issues.


Planes did crash into the towers..whether or not they were full of people or remote controlled..really doesn't matter..what matters is the why…listen to the NORAD tapes…there were fucking plane…but the rest of the story has yet to be told. I do believe our GEOTUS said as much that very day at ground zero…he knew just like anyone with eyes to see knew, that those buildings had explosives in them and Judy Wood has done a good job making a case for DEW involvement as well…the Jews did this along with the US gov and Saudi Arabia. PERIOD.


all to get the US people on board for a war with Iraq.