Anonymous ID: 7f19ae Sept. 15, 2018, 5:51 p.m. No.3039014   🗄️.is 🔗kun

This is how I imagine the Cabal sitting around chatting while shitting their pants:

Kerry: I told Iran don't pay attention to Trump. He'll be out soon. I'm The Man who'll take down Trump.

Maxine: But I said In peach, In peach, In peach fotyfie! I deserve some attention too.

Struzk: Hold on. I'm the one who set him up! and all his associates. I even involved foreigners so I could fool judges and get FISA warrants. I'm the smartest man in the world and hate Trump more than any of you.

Brennan: Shut the fuck up Struzk. I will kill you if you say another word. I'm the one who hates Trump the most. I will kill all of you.

Habberman: But I obeyed and lied to the sheep. I did the most damage. I win. McNoName: Nope. you're all wrong. I did the most damage cause I'm dead. I win!