Anonymous ID: f82806 Sept. 15, 2018, 5:14 p.m. No.3038637   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8664

Aluminum in the Brain in Multiple Sclerosis: Regulatory and Funding Agencies Silent, Complicit


MEDICAL SCIENCE proceeds along a hierarchy of evidence; often, patients are studied individually (case studies), or a small collection of patients are examined and characterized together (case series studies). Case series studies typically have smallish sample sizes and it is generally understood that larger studies will be necessary to determine more accurately the characteristics being studied.


In a new case series study, brain tissue from 14 donors with a diagnosis of MS was studied in a case series by Mold et al (2018) using transversely heated graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry. The study found high aluminum content (>10 ug/g dry weight) in all areas of the brain studied, with some areas exceeding 50 ug/g. They found aluminum both with cells and in the interstitium between cells. They found aluminum co-localised with structures known to be present in Secondary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis (SPMS) in the frontal cortex of one donor with SPMS.


There are a number of critical lines of evidence that make this fundamental finding critically important. Patients with MS have lower amounts of aluminum in their hair, suggesting depressed detoxification, and higher amounts are found in urine on chelation challenge testing (Fulgenzi et al., 2014). Chelation with EDTA is known to significantly reduce aluminum intoxication (Fulgenzi et al. 2014), and consumption of silica-rich mineral waters also increase urinary excretion of aluminum from patients with SPMS (Jones et al., 2017).


Extremely plausible direct mechanisms of the cause of MS from aluminum are known and animal studies routinely induced MS using aluminum hydroxide injections. So much evidence exists that points to aluminum as a source of strange new conditions of unknown causes, such as MMF and Gulf War Syndrome, one would think that calls to reconsider the use of aluminum in vaccines would be answered. The same team (had previously found high amounts of aluminum in the brains of people with autism, and and in patients with Alzheimer’s disease. The latter result, while also important, is not surprising, as it has long been known that amyloid is part protein and part aluminum. Finally, when France brought on HepB vaccination, cases of MS following vaccination increased; when they stopped recommending the HepB vaccine, which contains aluminum hydroxide, the rate of HepB vaccine-associated MS cases dropped to near zero.




What is surprising is the lack of action on the part of the US FDA to put an end to the use of this dangerous metal in vaccines, and that the NIH is not funding more studies like this. NIH should fund studies to determine how to most safely remove aluminum from anyone exposed via vaccines; brain stem amyloidosis is a non-trivial concern. Approaches like ketogenic diet, silica-rich mineral waters, hyperbaric oxygen, EDTA, intranasal insulin and intranasal deferoxamine (to prevent brain stem amyloidosis) should all be tested in randomized clinical trails in clinical populations known to be afflicted with aluminum intoxication (autism, Alzheimer’s, MS).


What is also surprising is that the CDC and ACIP remain blithe to the morbidity and mortality their continued approval of vaccines that contain metals like aluminum and mercury. They make decisions on behalf of us all, and yet every member of ACIP with the exception of one military member has conflicts of interest with vaccine manufacturers. ACIP should review all of the literature on aluminum and make recommendations on how to phase it, and thimerosal, out of vaccines completely.


Further inaction on the part of these regulatory and funding agencies, and active denialism at this point will surely be seen by future generations as both callous disregard, and where conflicts of interest reside, complicity.


The study, conducted at the Keele University, was funded in part by the Children’s Medical Safety Research Institute.



Anonymous ID: f82806 Sept. 15, 2018, 5:19 p.m. No.3038678   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9071 >>9218

Catholic Women’s Forum Leader: ‘The Pope’s Silence Is Deafening’


A Catholic women’s forum leader told Breitbart News she fears the U.S. Roman Catholic bishops are returning home “empty-handed” from a meeting with Pope Francis to discuss the scandal surrounding disgraced Archbishop Theodore McCarrick.


Mary Hasson, director of the Catholic Women’s Forum of the Ethics and Public Policy Center in Washington, DC, said she is “frustrated” with the “lack of action” on the part of the pope.


“The pope’s silence is deafening,” she said, “and I worry that the Cardinals are coming home empty-handed, with no further word on whether the pope will pursue an official investigation.”


Hasson is a lead signer of a letter to Pope Francis that represents the views of nearly 46,000 Catholic women. The women, included among them seminary professors, theologians, evangelists, attorneys, and missionaries, wrote to the pope at the end of August, charging him with providing an “inadequate” response to a report that accused him of ignoring sanctions placed on McCarrick, despite knowing the former cardinal had sexually abused priests, seminarians, and minors.


During a meeting at the Vatican on Thursday, Cardinal Daniel DiNardo, president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, was reported to be seeking a commitment from Pope Francis for an apostolic visitation to the United States. The purpose of the visitation would be to investigate McCarrick’s rise to power in spite of the allegations Archbishop Carlo Viganò, the Vatican’s former ambassador to the United States, raised against him.


In August, Viganò released a document in which he linked the church’s sexual abuse crisis as well as ensuing coverups by some bishops to an extensive “homosexual network” within the church.


“Although it is still possible that the pope will respond to Cardinal DiNardo’s request for a Vatican investigator, it is beginning to seem unlikely,” Hasson said. “Having a Vatican investigator is essential for the church to undertake a serious review of the McCarrick situation.”


Pope Francis has doubled down on his claim that both the accusations and the calls for accountability are the work of Satan.


“Among us is the great accuser, who always goes to accuse us before God, in order to destroy us,” the pope said during his homily at Mass prior to the meeting with the bishops. “Satan: He is the great accuser.”


In his report, Viganò charged that, as the papal nuncio to the United States, he personally informed the pope on June 23, 2013, of McCarrick’s abuse; this was three months after the College of Cardinals elected Francis pope – and yet the pope “continued to cover for [McCarrick].”


Viganò wrote that, despite knowing of McCarrick’s abusive history, Pope Francis “did not take into account the sanctions that Pope Benedict had imposed on [McCarrick] and made him his trusted counselor.”


The former ambassador has called upon Pope Francis to resign his office.

Anonymous ID: f82806 Sept. 15, 2018, 5:31 p.m. No.3038803   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8813 >>8825 >>8867 >>9071 >>9218 >>9285

WATCH: FBI Rapid Deployment Turns Sunspot Solar Observatory into Ghost Town


The shutdown by the FBI of the Solar Observatory educational facility in New Mexico has generated speculation as to what is behind the sudden intrusion of a federal law-enforcement agency into the daily routine of astronomers. Media reports refute an X-Files-style plot with extraterrestrials, leading to a more prosaic, but no less fascinating tale.


According to the Daily Express, the Sunspot Solar Observatory, a part of the National Solar Observatory network maintained by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy (AURA), was likely hacked by a foreign agent to monitor US military activity in New Mexico.


In particular, UK-based media offer a theory that an intruder or agent affiliated with a foreign country gained access to one of the Observatory's antennas where a spying device was installed.


The media outlet suggested that this theory was not far from the truth and explained the rapid FBI operation that locked down and evacuated observatory staffers, along with the entire compound surrounding the scientific facility.