Anonymous ID: 57ed85 Sept. 15, 2018, 6:52 p.m. No.3039857   🗄️.is 🔗kun


China To Take Over Israel's Largest Port, Could Threaten US Naval Operations


"A top Israeli military and energy official has questioned Israel and China's growing economic ties just as a Chinese company is set to begin operating Haifa Port as part of a major 25-year contract previously struck in 2015.


“When China acquires ports,” Israeli Brigadier General Shaul Horev began in an interview this week with national news source, Arutz Sheva, “it does so under the guise of maintaining a trade route from the Indian Ocean via the Suez Canal to Europe, such as the port of Piraeus in Greece. Does an economic horizon like this have a security impact?"


Gen. Horev, who has also served as navy chief of staff and chairman of the Atomic Energy Commission, continued to sound the alarm over a Chinese takeover, "We are not weighing that possibility sufficiently. One of the senior American figures at the conference raised the question of whether the U.S. Sixth Fleet can see Haifa as a home port. In light of the Chinese takeover, the question is no longer on the agenda.”"


parasite (roths and kikes) leaving one host (west) for the next. chinks are already heavily psyop'd slaves of the globalist interests, legs wide open. MUCH more pliable and gullible than the west or other parts of the world, willing to prostitute even their own daughters and mothers for money and status, completely compromised upper echelon, PBOC nearly total under roth control, etc.


NK was under globalist roth control via clintons and PRC black hats (PLA and MSS elements + CCCP actors of certain persuasion). globalists have near total control and leash over the chinese after vicious violation and rape it forced east asia to endure from 15th century onwards.


Will the chinese Patriots act?