Anonymous ID: 5a4fd5 Sept. 15, 2018, 6:23 p.m. No.3039431   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9539


The Obama regime were masters at using race to divide. In the Obama regime, race was used to punish and to reward. Until that is acknowledged, the nation will not heal. People in high position who used race to get their, who encouraged others to use race as a litmus test, and who punished others as retribution/reparations because of the color of their skin need to be punished and lose everything. It goes against our ideals and without race-baiters being called out being held accountable, we can not and will not move forward. Tell me again how Gen Vince Stewart, after destroying USMC intel, got promoted under the Trump admin? Using race as a tool and as a method of punishment and reward pays off. Stewart was the master of it. The damage he has caused? Oh well, just some super smart disposable huwhyte guys who refused to be corrupted while making sure you have in place your team in the pipeline to continue the "cause". It's all good. The Obama regime was the most transparent ever. He told us so, over and over again.